Is there a way to NOT generate a report when all parameters have default values until user clicks "View Report"?

  • SSRS 2005

    Is there a way to NOT generate a report when all of the parameters have default values until the user clicks the "View Report" button? Right now, if all parameters have a default value (or allow null), the report automatically generates.



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  • That is something that always bothered me as well. I asked the same question and could not find a solution to it. Hopefully someone knows of a way around this.

    The reason why this bothered me was because, if the report takes a significant amount of time to generate, it shouldn't automatically generate, because I may want to select differenet parameters (even though I have a default defined).

  • Hi,

    If you dont want to generate report automatically, then you should not select default value. When you define report parameter, you can just select dafault as NULL so that it appears with text - select the value. and dont generate the report.

    If you give the default value then it will run.

    hope this helps.



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