Tooltip Problem

  • hi

    i created a report which has a table in SSRS 2005. I have use tool tip option on this report. Like if i move the cursor on the tips of the lines in the report it has show me some XXX value. For that i used tooltip option. But if i move cursor on the reports its showing the first value(in all the rows in report). So is there any way that i can use this tooltip only when there is a value in my coloumns.

    There is also another property called tooltiplocid. What is that? when and how should i use it?

    can anyone help me....


  • You can use an expression in the ToolTip property and if you set it to Nothing then you will not have a tooltip. Something like this:

    IIF(Fields.ColumnName.Value = "A", "Show Tooltip", Nothing)

    I have not been able to find any documentation on the ToolTopLocID property. I can guess that it has something to do with the windows locale setting (US English, French, etc...).

  • Here is the real answer...

    In SSRS2005, you will NOT see the tooltip when running the report under VisualStudio. If you DEPLOY the report to the server, then open the report in your browser, you'll see the tooltip.


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