Failed to configure distribution

  • [font="Arial Black"]I'm attempting a fresh setup of a Distributor on a SQL 2005 instance.

    I'm executing this code:[/font]

    [font="Courier New"]use master

    exec sp_adddistributor @distributor = N'Server1\Instance1', @password = N''


    exec sp_adddistributiondb @database = N'distribution', @data_folder = N'h:', @log_folder = N'h:', @log_file_size = 2, @min_distretention = 0, @max_distretention = 72, @history_retention = 48, @security_mode = 1


    [font="Arial Black"]Here's the message log returned:[/font]

    [font="Courier New"]Configuration option 'allow updates' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    Creating distribution tables

    Creating table MSrepl_version

    Creating table MSpublisher_databases

    Creating clustered index ucMSpublisher_databases

    Creating table MSpublications

    Creating clustered index ucMSpublications

    Creating table MSarticles

    Creating clustered index ucMSarticles

    Creating table MSsubscriptions

    Creating clustered index ucMSsubscirptions

    Creating index iMSsubscriptions

    Creating index iMSsubscriptions2

    Creating table MSmerge_subscriptions

    Creating clustered index ucMSmerge_subscriptions

    Creating table MSrepl_transactions

    Creating clustered index usMSrepl_transactions

    Creating table MSrepl_commands

    Creating clusterd index ucMSrepl_commands

    Creating table MSrepl_orginators

    Creating clustered index usMSrepl_originators

    Creating table MSsubscriber_info

    Creating clustered index ucMSsubscriber_info

    Creating table MSsubscriber_schedule

    Creating table MSsnapshot_history

    Creating clustered index ucMSsnapshot_history

    Creating table MSlogreader_history

    Creating clustered index ucMSlogreader_history

    Creating table MSdistribution_history

    Creating clustered index ucMSdistribution_history

    Creating table MSsnapshot_agents

    Creating clustered index ucMSsnapshot_agents

    Creatingindex iMSsnapshot_agents

    Creating table MSlogreader_agents

    Creating clustered index ucMSlogreader_agents

    Creatingindex iMSlogreader_agents

    Creating table MSdistribution_agents

    Creating clustered index ucMSdistribution_agents

    Creatingindex iMSdistribution_agents

    Creating table MSmerge_agents

    Creating clustered index ucMSmerge_agents

    Creating table MSrepl_identity_range

    Creating table MSpublication_access

    Creating clustered index ucMSpublication_access

    Creating table MSqreader_agents

    Creating unique index ucMSqreader_agents

    Creating table MSqreader_history

    Creating clustered index ucMSqreader_history

    Creating table MSrepl_backup_lsns

    Creating clustered index ucMSrepl_backup_lsns

    Creating table MSpublicationthresholds

    Creating clustered index ucmspublicationthresholds

    Creating table IHpublishers

    Creating table IHpublishertables

    Creating table IHarticles

    Creating table IHpublishercolumns

    Creating table IHcolumns

    Creating table IHindextypes

    Creating table IHpublisherindexes

    Creating table IHpublishercolumnindexes

    Creating table IHpublications

    Creating table IHextendedArticleView

    Creating table IHconstrainttypes

    Creating table IHpublisherconstraints

    Creating table IHpublishercolumnconstraints

    Creating table IHsubscriptions

    Creating table sysschemaarticles

    Creating table MScached_peer_lsns

    Creating view IHextendedSubscriptionView

    Creating view syssubscriptions

    Creating view syspublications

    Creating view sysarticles

    Creating view sysarticlecolumns

    Creating view IHsyscolumns

    Dropping all distribution stored procedures and functions that are now in resource or are obsolete

    Dropping all distribution stored procedures and functions that are created locally

    Creating 'fn_MSmask_agent_type'.

    Creating 'sp_MSset_syncstate'.

    Creating 'sp_MSadd_repl_commands27'.

    Creating 'sp_MSadd_replcmds'.

    Creating 'sp_MSremove_published_jobs'.

    Creating 'sp_MSsubscription_cleanup'.

    Creating 'sp_MSdelete_dodelete'.

    Creating 'sp_MSdelete_publisherdb_trans'.

    Creating 'sp_MSmaximum_cleanup_seqno'.

    Creating 'sp_MSdistribution_delete'.

    Creating 'sp_MSdistribution_cleanup'.

    Creating 'sp_MShistory_cleanup'.

    Creating 'sp_MSget_repl_version'.

    Creating view MSdistribution_status

    Creating 'sp_MSlog_agent_cancel'.

    Adding user 'guest'.

    Adding role 'replmonitor'.

    Configuration option 'allow updates' changed from 1 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    Msg 22538, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSrepl_check_job_access, Line 155

    Only replication jobs or job schedules can be added, modified, dropped or viewed through replication stored procedures.[/font]

    [font="Arial Black"]Any ideas about why this is happening? Could the fact that I'm using compatibility level 80 be part of the problem?[/font]

  • The only thing I can think of is that there are some old Jobs that never got deleted from the previous set up of replication. Could you check if you have a job with name like "Replication agents checkup"? If you find this job, also check the entry for this job at msdb.dbo.sysjobs and msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps.

    If it is present, you probably will have to remove this entry form the sysjobs, sysjobsteps and sysjobschedules in the msdb DB.


  • Thanks, Roy.

    OK, I've removed all vestiges of the "Replication agents checkup" job,

    but when I execute sp_adddistributiondb I still get the same error.

    I notice that I still have jobs:

    "Reinitialize subscriptions having data validation failures"

    "Distribution clean up: Distribution"

    "Expired subscription clean up"

    Should I remove these too?

  • Yes, please do so... There should not be any replication jobs on the distributor when you set it up once again


  • Thanks much, Roy - problem solved.


  • Glad I could help..:-)


  • Hi,

    Today, I also have this error when I setup replication in sql 2005: Msg 22538, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSrepl_check_job_access, Line 155. I also found there is a job called "Replication agents checkup". Did you suggest to delete any rows related to Replication agents checkup in the tables sysjobs, sysjobsteps, and sysjobschedules? I am afraid that the delete of rows from these tables will cause new problems.


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