date format in sql

  • Hi can we have an alternative of

    CStr(Format([InvoiceDate],"dd-mmm-yyyy")) in SQL

    Many Thanks ....

  • Using Books On Line (BOL) look up CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL)




    SET @InvoiceDate = '2-29-08'

    SET @Ans = CONVERT ( VARCHAR(12) , @InvoiceDate , 105 )

    SELECT @Ans

    which gives: 29-02-2008

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  • but 29-02-2008 needs to be in 29-Feb-2008 format

  • How about the following:



    SET @InvoiceDate = '2-29-08'

    SET @Ans = CONVERT ( VARCHAR(12) , @InvoiceDate , 105 )

    SELECT @Ans

    SET @Ans = CONVERT ( VARCHAR(12) , @InvoiceDate , 113 )

    SELECT @Ans

  • Hi

    If you don't need the conversion for direct inserts or updates into other tables maybe think about formattin in your client application ;).



  • Hello nabajyoti.b,

    Just to notice, there is NO such format as you wish.

    The nearest format is the previously mentioned, but you need modification



    SET @InvoiceDate = '3-11-09'

    SET @Ans = CONVERT ( VARCHAR(12) , @InvoiceDate , 113 )

    --This gives '11 Mar 2009', all you need is to replace spaces with '-'

    --and here it is

    SELECT @Ans

    SET @Ans = REPLACE(CONVERT ( VARCHAR(12) , @InvoiceDate , 113 ),' ','-')

    SELECT @Ans

    --The result is '11-Mar-2009'

  • But, again, and as Flo suggested... SQL Server is NOT the place to do such formatting unless it's for direct output to a file sans any trip through a GUI or for reporting being done on the server (again, sans any GUI or reporting software). There are many reasons but one of them is local... if you simply send the date back as a datetime datatype, the app will likely be able to automatically format the date based on local requirements setup on the desktop. If you brute force the format into a string, like you're doing, either the conversion must be reversed to be displayed correctly, or you end up with an incorrect display.

    So... what are you going to use this display related conversion for? 😉

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