Create trace to catch SQL Errors in SQL 2005 Workgroup

  • SQL 2005 Workgroup doesn't come with Profiler so it seems I need to manually create a procedure to catch SQL errors to a certain database. SQL trace is completely new so I'm not sure how to do go about this, but I can't even get a trace basic created so I'm struggling to even get started. Can anyone help.

    declare @tracefile nvarchar(500) set @tracefile=N'c:\traceewtraceFile2'

    declare @trace_id int

    declare @maxsize bigint

    set @maxsize =1

    exec sp_trace_create @trace_id output,2,@tracefile ,@maxsize

    Windows error occurred while running SP_TRACE_CREATE. Error = 0x80070003(error not found).

    Msg 19062, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_trace_create, Line 1

    Could not create a trace file.

  • I have a couple of comments:

    1. You probably don't want to to create your trace files on the root of the C drive.

    2. What account is the SQL Server service running under? That account will need read/write access to the trace file path.

    3. What rights does the account you are trying to create the trace have? You need ALTER TRACE permissions in order to create a trace.

  • Hi Jack, many thanks for your reply. The problem was a permissions thing. It seems I needed to create the folder the trace was being saved to manually. I guess SQL had permission to write files but not folders. Anyway it's creating a trace now using the code below. I've not managed to find an event type that relates specifically to SQL errors so I'm having to use SQL:BatchStarting which seems to show all SQL. If you have any suggestions on how to improve on the code below that would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    declare @trace_id int

    declare @tracefile nvarchar(500)

    declare @maxsize bigint

    declare @on bit

    declare @current_num int

    set @on = 1

    set @current_num = 1

    set @trace_id = (select top 1 (id + 1) as next from sys.traces order by id desc)

    set @tracefile = N'c:\sqlTraces\trace' + cast(@trace_id as varchar)

    set @maxsize = 10

    --Creates the specified trace

    exec sp_trace_create @trace_id output, 0, @tracefile , @maxsize -- stops when maxsize is reached

    --Create event and choose columns

    while(@current_num < 65)


    exec sp_trace_setevent @trace_id, 50, @current_num, @on

    set @current_num = @current_num+1


    --Starts the specified trace.

    exec sp_trace_setstatus @trace_id, 1

  • Here is a query that returns the events in the Errors and Warnings Category which I think will have what you are looking for.:



    TC.NAME AS category_name,


    TE.[name] AS column_name


    sys.trace_events AS TE JOIN

    sys.trace_categories AS TC

    ON TE.category_id = TC.category_id


    TC.[name] = 'Errors and warnings'

    Typically you would want the Exception and the User Error Message.

  • Thanks Jack, the last post has been helpful. I've now managed to get a trace working which shows me parametized SQL queries from ASP pages, but it's still not much help as it doesn't show me the values of the parameters. This is what I get..

    SELECT * FROM members WHERE email = @P1 AND password = @P2

    Is there any way I can see these parameter values?

  • Try adding the Stored Procedures RPC:Started and RPC:Completed events. This may show the parameter values.

  • Hurray! You're a star. I've finally got to see the parameters with the following event type.

    exec sp_trace_setevent @trace_id, 11, @current_num, @on -- RPC:Starting - Occurs when an RPC has started.

    Many thanks for your help.

  • No problem.

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