Database restore issue

  • I am moving a database (Sql 2000) from one server to another. New server has 2005. After a restore, the database shows up as a 6.5 snapshot and I can't do anything with it. I didn't create a database with the same name as the one to be restored first on the 2005 machine, just added dummy files to the path I wanted. Was this my error? Or are my errors numerous? My thanks.

  • when restoring a SQL database the files do not need to already exist, the restore process creates them. delete any dummy files you created and run restore again.

    Look up restore database in BOL and get familiar with the 'replace' option (overwrite existing database if exists to same location or place files in location held in backup file if does not exist) and the 'with move' option (move files to location you specify)


  • So now I have a 6.5 compatible database sitting there in 2005. I need to delete it before another is restored (in the proper way) but now I can't delete it or rename. I even uninstalled SQL and it after reinstall it is there again. How do I get rid of the stupid thing? Error is Can't drop database 6.5 mode not supported.


  • how are you dropping it?

    if by right-clicking, try dropping it in sql code

    Use Master


    Drop Database [YourDB]


  • have you tried just splatting over it with a restore database................with replace


  • cscott, how goes it , is it fixed, please post resolution if it is for those that come along later.

    just a thought, what version of SQL 2000 are you migrating from ? To upgrade to 2005 you must be at at least SP3 of SQL 2000. Run select @@version in your sql 2000 instance, it needs to be at least 8.00.760


  • Hey Guys:

    Restore replace will not work in this case. I am in the exact situiaton and the resoultion to this matter comes from understanding the steps in which this upgrade occurs. The reason you can not drop the database is stated exactly for the reason as it not being supported, as a matter a fact you can not go from SQL 6.5 > 2005 even if you have to the upgrade path of 65 > 2000 > 2005.

    The database this gentelmen has is not from a 7.0 enviornment orginally. Before he was probably made aware the upgrade took place to 7.0 from 6.5 therefore the compatablity of the database will be accordingly. From each upgrade in sql server the compatability level will be set from the previous versions, Microsoft will not support (Usually more then 2 versions)


    In your 2000 enviornment or 7.0 change the copatability level to 70 or 80 then upgrade to 2005 or attach/detach / restore to a different enviornment all together.


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