CLR Triggers

  • Hi all..

    Iam new to clr programming.i have created storredprocedures using clr programming,I have created triggers also.iam using the trigger in 2 cases .1.Insert 2.Update.when iam updating or Inserting .i need to keep track of all changes in other databade table.when iam updating or inserting row ,i need to get the ID Collumn of is working fine with SPs,when include triggers iam getting wrong .insted of getting value of ID collumn of original table iam getting the value of Triggers table collumn ID, I couldn't understand wt is happening..

    here is the source code

    public partial class Triggers


    // Enter existing table or view for the target and uncomment the attribute line

    [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlTrigger(Name = "trigTbAppointment", Target = "tbTABLENAME", Event = "AFTER INSERT, UPDATE")]

    public static void trigTbAppointment()


    SqlTriggerContext Context = SqlContext.TriggerContext;

    SqlPipe Pipe = SqlContext.Pipe;

    // Retrieve the connection that the trigger is using

    using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"context connection=true"))





    SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO [DBNAME].dbo.[tbTABLENAME]






    FROM INSERTED;", con);




    catch (SqlException exc)


    throw exc;









    Help me,it would be a grt help


  • haroonrashed786 (6/11/2009)

    ...when iam updating or inserting row ,i need to get the ID Collumn of is working fine with SPs,when include triggers iam getting wrong .insted of getting value of ID collumn of original table iam getting the value of Triggers table collumn ID

    This does not make sense. In a trigger, the "original table" and the "trigger table" are the same thing. So thier IDs are the same also. Please explain. Perhaps an example would help.

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  • I mean to say that ,i need to be store the table row data in other table when ever row is updating or Inserting,ie i have to keep track of data in other database table .

    Original table is "Actual table"

    Trigger table is "which we are using to track tha data"-Duplicate of original data.

    I hope u will be clear



  • You don't need CLR to do this. TSQL is the best way to accomplish this task just using standard DML triggers.

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
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  • but..i have to use CLR triggers only..,still iam getting same error


  • doing that with any clr proc will be at least 95% overhead !!


    create trigger trIU_mytable



    insert into myaudit_table

    select 'I' as operation, *

    from inserted

    union all

    select 'U' as operation

    , *

    from deleted


    Doing this in a clr module would be like taking a care fetch your email :hehe:

    CLR does indeed have its purpose, but the general rule is:

    - do it in TSQL

    - if tsql doesn't perform well enough, try it with clr but TEST IT and compare it all the way !

    Keep your triggers as small (short) as possible !

    Another this to keep in mind: If you don't need it in transaction scope, make it asynchrone ! (if your trigger fails, your transaction fails !)


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  • haroonrashed786 (6/20/2009)

    but..i have to use CLR triggers only..,


  • Florian Reischl (6/20/2009)

    haroonrashed786 (6/20/2009)

    but..i have to use CLR triggers only..,


    Exactly my thinking... This requirement makes absolutely no sense. It's like saying you have to use a hammer to drive a screw into a board. It might get the job done, but a screwdriver makes a whole lot more sense.

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
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  • haroonrashed786 (6/20/2009)

    but..i have to use CLR triggers only

    As previous suggested, you really need to tell us why you are constrained to using only CLR triggers. Even CLR experts like Jonathan Kehayias are telling you this is a bad idea. BUT, you may have a valid reason for doing this and before folks can help, they need a wee bit more information... like why the constraint of using only CLR triggers is essential.

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