Recordset destination trailing spaces bug

  • Hi all,

    When pulling a string column into a recordset destination it seems like it is adding trailing spaces. I though I was going crazy until I found this post online about it.

    It's easy to fix using a trim on the column after the recordset destination task is done, but I guess I don't understand why its happening. Has anyone else else ever experienced this?



  • I am having the same problem, but I don't have enough knowledge to fix it. I am new to VBA/SQL, so I'm not sure how to do what you described. Here's my code:

    Dim conn As ADODB.Connection

    Dim strLabTable As String

    Dim strLabCol As String

    Dim strPtTable As String

    Dim strPtCol As String

    strLabTable = "dbo_vw_LAB_CHOL"

    strLabCol = "PtID"

    strPtTable = "Patient"

    strPtCol = "DOB"

    Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection

    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

    rs.ActiveConnection = conn

    rs.Source = "Select FullName, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, SSN, Sex FROM " & strLabTable

    rs.CursorType = adOpenDynamic

    rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic


    Do Until rs.EOF

    rs!FirstName = RTrim(SeparateFirst(rs!FullName))

    rs!LastName = Trim(SeparateLast(rs!FullName))

    rs!MiddleName = Trim(SeparateMiddle(rs!FullName))

    If IsNull(rs!SSN) = False Then

    rs!SSN = StripSSN(rs!SSN)

    End If

    rs!Sex = ConvertGender(rs!Sex)




    The SeparateFirst function takes a field that contains a full name and separates into first, middle and last. When the function returns the variable, it is trimmed. Howevever, when it is copied to the recordset, the field is padded out to 255 characters. I have tried trimming, but that does not seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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