Distinct selection on datetime

  • I have a table with 3 columns:

    datetime | applicationtype | SystemUser


    2006-08-21 08:25:04:633 | SQLAgent | smithj

    2006-08-21 09:20:11:633 | SQLAgent | smithj

    I'm trying to acheive a distinct selection on days (not time) and I would like to return rows where the date is most the current date for each SystemUser.

    I've tried:

    select distinct left(LoginTime,11) as date, [Applicationtype], [SystemUser] from DW.ServerLogonHistory

    ORDER BY date

    But this just gives me the same result as a 'select all' except where the first column is truncated, displaying only the first 11 characters. i.e:

    2006-08-21 | SQLAgent | smithj

    2006-08-21 | SQLAgent | smithj



  • Try this:

    SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(char(8),LoginTime,112), 112) AS [date], [Applicationtype], [SystemUser]

    FROM DW.ServerLogonHistory

    ORDER BY CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(char(8),LoginTime,112), 112)

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • You need to 'floor' out the time.

    select distinct DATEDIFF(DAY,0,LoginTime) as date, [Applicationtype], [SystemUser] from DW.ServerLogonHistory

    ORDER BY date

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  • Do you want to group it by sysuser and day?

    CREATE TABLE #T1(dt datetime, AT varchar(50), SysUser Varchar(50))

    INSERT INTO #T1 VALUES ('2006-08-21 08:25:04:633', 'SQLAgent', 'smithj')

    INSERT INTO #T1 VALUES ('2006-08-22 08:25:04:633', 'SQLAgent', 'smithj')

    INSERT INTO #T1 VALUES ('2006-08-21 09:20:11:633', 'SQLAgent', 'smithj')

    INSERT INTO #T1 VALUES ('2006-08-22 09:20:11:633', 'SQLAgent', 'Andy')

    INSERT INTO #T1 VALUES ('2006-08-22 08:25:04:633', 'SQLAgent', 'Andy')

    Select * from (

    Select *,Row_Number()

    OVER (PARTITION BY DATEADD( day, 0, DATEDIFF( day, 0, dt)), sysuser order by dt desc) as row_no

    from #T1) Test

    Where row_no = 1


  • Or the simple version:

    Select distinct DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, dt)) as DateOnly, AT, sysuser

    from #T1

    order by DateOnly, AT, sysuser


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  • Thank you for these replys.

    I think the nearest that came to what I am after was:

    SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(char(8),LoginTime,112), 112) AS [date], [Application], [SystemUser]

    FROM DW.ServerLogonHistory

    ORDER BY CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(char(8),LoginTime,112), 112)

    which returned:

    2008-08-01 00:00:00.000 | SQLAgent | Smithj

    2008-08-01 00:00:00.000 | SQLAgent | Smithj

    But this still returns non-distinct dates. I'm trying select rows on the latest date entry for each SystemUser.

  • It's very strange that you don't get distinct values, there must be something different within the two records you posted.

    Try grouping by SystemUser, I think this is what you are after:

    SELECT MAX(CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(char(8),LoginTime,112), 112)) AS [date], MAX([Application]) AS [Application], [SystemUser]

    FROM DW.ServerLogonHistory

    GROUP BY [SystemUser]

    ORDER BY 1

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • that did the trick excellent!

    Thank you

  • Glad I could help.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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