Hosting SQL 2005 on Windows XP-Windows authentication

  • OK don't laugh - I'm stuck trying to make this work. SQL 2005 is installed on XP Pro, sp2. I need to connect another Windows XP Pro machine (sp3) to this 'server' using Windows authentication. I can make a connection from the client using SQL Management Studio and can see databases. I cannot run a select statement - I get 'select permission denied'. The machines are in the same workgroup (I said don't laugh 😉 ). How can I add the client's username or a group with Windows authentication to the 'server'.


  • G'day RD,

    I've never dealt with SQL Server in workgroups before, but the first thing I'd do is to "thank" whoever required this with a blunt instrument.

    If you still have to do it after doing that, then use sp_who or something on the server to see how the connection is identified in SQL Server. They can connect and see the databases because the public role can but you need to know exactly who they are to enable them to do more.

    Once you know what SQL Server is identifying the login as you should be able to define them as an explicit login then start granting permissions to that login as normal.

    There's this link that looks like it's about exactly what you're trying to do:

    However I get an error when I click on it at the moment.

    As an absolute last resort you could start granting additional privileges to public, but unless it's a totally isolated network that's fraught with danger and even then it should be vigorously avoided.

  • Thanks for the reply. I was able to get this working. The client is actually a Windows XP Home edition (I get all the doozies). The login on the client was the default 'Owner' but had no password. The same 'Owner' login was added to the XP server machine and granted SQL permissions. Once I created a password on client and server I was able to connect.

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