SSIS development and deployment management

  • Currently we are planning migration from SQL2000 directly to SQL2008. One of our pain is how are we going to develop and deploy SSIS packages. I mean should we use sourcesafe as central deposit, or use central SSIS server to manage all the packages. Then, when we deploy, should we use file system or SQL Server. All these just become so unclear as none of us are expert in this area. Is there a best practice for SSIS management ?



  • We use source control (TFS) as the central repository for our SSIS packages. Deployment techniques will obviously vary depending on your needs and your environment, but having SSIS packages in source control is a good idea.

    DBA with an attitude

  • We chose to deploy packages to MSDB. It was the best fit since we already had a substantial number of DTS packages deployed there along with processes in place to manage packages and jobs in MSDB.

    We don’t have a source control system (yet) so this is just speculation but I would think a source control system would serve you best as far as storing in-progress development work and previous versions.

  • For deployment, between file system and MSDB, would you please share with us what are the pros and cons of each ?

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