SSRS 2008 - Can't Log In

  • We haven't made any changes to our report server and all of a sudden the URL is showing as invalid. SSMS can't log into the SSRS instance. I've checked all logs on the RDBMS side and event logs at the OS...not finding a single error. Trying to access SSRS yields these errors however:

    From the web: Error: The request failed with HTTP status 400: Bad Request

    From SSMS: Unable to connect to server [server name]. The specified URL might not be valide or there might be a problem wit the report server configuration...etc.

    Any ideas how to trouble shoot this? All setting are OOB. Services can start/ has been rebooted. No errors anywhere indicating a problem.

  • Have you checked the IIS logs?

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Github: wsmelton

  • IIS is not installed. SSRS 2008 doesn't require it.

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