VBscript scheduled in SQl agent is failing

  • Hi,

    I just added Vbscript wscript.echo " Hello World" and scheduled it to run.

    Its giving error: following error message as below.

    Error Code: 0 Error Source= Microsoft VBScript runtime error Error Description: Object required: 'WScript' Error on Line 0. The step failed.

    Please help me



  • What did you enter for the job step? Just, "XP_CMDSHELL 'wscript.echo " Hello World"'?"


  • Couple things, is the type of job an OS job?

    Also, you might need to give the entire path to cscript to get it to run. I'd run a dir *.* > c:\dir.txt to find out what folder you are in when you execute this.

  • Hi,

    i Just selected Activex Script and wrote the code wscript.echo " Hello World" in the step, thats it and i tried to run it. it is ending in error.


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