SSIS - Text was truncated

  • I seem to be getting the following error importing a flat file via SSIS.

    I have checked "Column 4" on data row 362 in my csv file.

    It looks the same as similar rows further up.

    "Column 4" is set as:

    OutPutColumnWidth: 16

    DataType: string[DT_STR]

    Example Row:










    Error: 0xC02020A1 at ImportFiles, Bargains [3864]: Data conversion failed.

    The data conversion for column "Column 4" returned status value 4 and status

    text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the

    target code page.".

    Error: 0xC020902A at ImportFiles, Bargains [3864]: The "output

    column "Column 4" (3881)" failed because truncation occurred, and the

    truncation row disposition on "output column "Column 4" (3881)" specifies

    failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of

    the specified component.

    Information: 0x402090DF at ImportFiles, Insert into MKTMKG_PL [96]: The

    final commit for the data insertion has started.

    Error: 0xC0202092 at ImportFiles, Bargains [3864]: An error occurred while processing file "E:\NewDealbookFiles\BARGAINS.CSV" on data row 362.

  • Are you just doing a regular file dump, Flat File > Ole db Destination ?

    Are there any other transformation taking place in between?

    I have copied your 1 row of data to a .csv file and dump it to sql table with the following spec.[For the specified column]

    Flat File Data type [DT_STR] | Length [16]

    Ole db Source varchar | 16.

    One more thing column numbers normally start from Column 0, the column that the error mssg is ref to is Column 4,which should refer to data


  • Column 4 is the correct column, I just changed it for this example.

    Are you just doing a regular file dump, Flat File > Ole db Destination ?

    1. Batch job picks up the files and dumps them locally

    2. 4 seperate Flat File --> Ole db Destination (4 Temp tables)

    3. SP to take the tables updated in Step 2 into 2 tables and drop the tables temp tables

    The thing is, this same process, file and settings work in my DTS package in 2000

  • A Little Help Please (12/17/2008)

    Column 4 is the correct column, I just changed it for this example.

    Are you just doing a regular file dump, Flat File > Ole db Destination ? Yes

    1. Batch job picks up the files and dumps them locally

    2. 4 seperate Flat File --> Ole db Destination (4 Temp tables)

    3. SP to take the tables updated in Step 2 into 2 tables and drop the tables temp tables

    The thing is, this same process, file and settings work in my DTS package in 2000

    Is this package migrated from a DTS package ?

    Could you try enable only step 2) and try the data load from 1 flat file to 1 temp table?

    Are all the 4 data loads in Step 2) are the same for all 4 flat files ?

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