changing servers.

  • I am new here this is my very 1st post so forgive me if Im in wrong area.anywaysI have a pc Im on and it has xp home sp3(yes believe it)and it has the 2002 version which Im guessing thats the sql? but anyway can I switch to a newer sql server? reason to get best performance outta my pc? any input is very helpful.thanks alot.

  • sql server does not have a 2002 version. There is 6.5, 7.0, 8.0 (2000), and 9.0 (2005), 10.0 (2008). I am not certain what that would have to do with your PC. If you are running xp home sp3 then the most you could have is a compact desktop edition. None of which should be running on your home PC with out a good reason.

    Hope that helps. If not please clarify your question.

  • system properties says this


    Microsoft Windows XP

    Home Edition

    Version 2002

    Service Pack 3, v.3264

    Registered to




    Intel [R]

    Pentium[R] 4 cpu 3.00 ghz

    3.01 ghz 960 mb of ram

    physical address extension

  • Hi,

    Journeyman is r8 and version 2002 is not your SQL version number if u want 2 see your SQL version number please try this :

    select @@version

    Best Regards
    Faheem latif
    Senior Database Architect
    Genie Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd.

  • what info I got is 2000 5.1 if that helps?

  • not certain if it will work with the application using sql server compact edition but there is a sql server 2005 compact edition. SQL Server 2008 is due to be released in April and I am sure 2008 will have a compact edition. 2005 should work with xp home edition sp3 but I am fairy certain the 2008 version will not.

    Hope that answers your question.

  • Yes you can move your sql server to a new PC and can access from it.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

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