how to see query results in pivot table like structure , is it possible in Sql server ? please sir

  • Hello All,

    please help me with this query result



    (CASE kt1.mcode WHEN 'I' THEN 'Interactive' WHEN 'M' THEN 'Magazine' WHEN 'N' THEN 'Newspaper' WHEN 'NET' THEN 'Network' WHEN 'O' THEN 'Outdoor' WHEN 'R' THEN 'Radio' WHEN 'S' THEN 'Supplement' WHEN 'T' THEN 'Trade' WHEN 'TV' THEN 'TV & Local Cable' WHEN 'X' THEN 'Network Radio' ELSE 'UNDEFINE' END) as Mcode

    ,CASE Count(*) WHEN 1 THEN 0

    ELSE count(*) END as TotalDocs

    from lclog left join itms on lclog.statenum = itms.statenum

    left join idat i on itms.itemnum=i.itemnum left join xItem kx1 on i.itemnum=kx1.itemnum

    left join kTab kt1 on kx1.keywordnum=kt1.keywordnum

    where flags=12 and scope = 102 and lclog.statenum not in (101,102) and i.status <> 16

    group by lclog.stVal,kt1.mcode

    order by 1,2,3


    Precription , Trade, 3

    Precription , Magazine,0

    Precription , Newspaper,0

    Precription , Radio, 5

    Precription ,Supplement,8

    Precription ,Network, Radio, 2

    Precription ,Radio, 119

    Precription ,TV & Local Cable, 53

    StandardQue ,Network, 57

    StandardQue ,Interactive,511

    StandardQue ,Magazine, 31

    StandardQue ,Newspaper,17

    StandardQue ,Outdoor,13

    StandardQue ,Supplement,7

    StandardQue ,Trade,13

    StandardQue ,Interactive ,0

    StandardQue ,Network Radio, 0

    StandardQue ,Newspaper, 0

    StandardQue ,Radio, 11

    StandardQue ,Supplement, 20

    StandardQue ,TV & Local Cable, 28

    StandardQue ,Network Radio, 48

    StandardQue ,Radio, 722

    StandardQue ,TV & Local Cable, 363

    how can i convery the above results as below (first column values become header like a pivot table)

    is it possible? in sql server

    please sir kindly help me sir,

    Prescription StandardQue

    Trade 3 10

    Magazine 40 35

    Newspaper 00

    Radio 1 300

    Supplement 40 59

    Network 554

    TV& Local Cable 43 23

    interactive ... ...




    Thanks in a ton advance


  • with help of palmen i did this it is working fine here

    SELECT mcode,

    SUM(CASE WHEN stname = 'Prescription' THEN TotalDocs ELSE 0 END) AS Prescription,

    SUM(CASE WHEN stname = 'StandardQue' THEN TotalDocs ELSE 0 END) AS StandardQue

    FROM (

    ) AS T

    GROUP BY mcode;

    Thanks to all, it may helpful to others

    best regards

  • You can use PIVOT operator see SQL server books online for same.

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