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I am a Champion for Canada, et Le Québec est Inclus dans Mon Pays


After reading several pages of comments on this posting, I'm taking a stab at helping Canadian Unity on my beloved country's birthday month and because I love this province (there are too many reasons to summarise here).  First of all, let's stop the kick Quebec out of Canada/doesn't contribute/works less hours/...etc. (insert other garbage arguments here) stuff out of the debate please, it's not helping us those that are pro-confederation locally to the province (please, really, not good for Federalists here at all!), nor is it progressive in trying to fix the fundamental on please (or see my previous posting for background). We must think positively and straight forward; make decisions without the ‘baggage’ being thrust upon us, projection of the 'which side are you on' stuff by peeling off the presumed superiority of one extreme or the other (imagine if you have blood on both sides, even a Gran Granny who is a Charlebois and you run into a Blueneck?), or by goons on either side of the debate - very well read Francophones such Daniel Laprès are doing thier best to reduce the influence of the latter crowd within the province itself.

A possible solution here is to have Allophones, who have a higher chance of being impartial and who have lived abroad also, act as referees for the most contentious issues (like a Greek mediator at the Working Standards Commission - an example of how progressive the provincial govt. itself can be if you knock on the right door). As provincial minorities can see, if we leave things up to the sovereigntist Clannistes (and certain nationalists of low integrity), and not take action to stop that faction within the government from acting like extreme Republicans, those types always on the search to make the French language supreme (while stamping in their neighbor's tongue withe legislative bullying), since the supposed fear (or as Stephen Colbert puts it - Truthiness) of losing the language has produced some pretty reactionary politics, and progressive legislation to counter thankfully at least. This faction, which gives us the impression of frequently kicking down the Lingua Franca (and treating those who speak English as 2nd class Citizens), for being wrongly associated with imperialism, and subsequently thwart their own job opportunities as a consequence - then QC is, maudit et suivra le même déclin dans laquelle il se trouve actuellement.

How to Stand on Guard for Canadian Bilingualism by easy identification of the unilingualist goons
Quebeckers want to get out of the stone ages, but these knuckle-draggers, easily identified as exclusionists by using a checklist:  Anglophobic, Cyberbullies (attack every line in forums, like trolls), ignorant (while calling everyone else clueless), preach that the rest of Canada n'est pas mon pays, tells you décalisse d’icite maudit Anglais (territorials, confusing England with Canada), modèle Québécois worshippers (fine to be proud, but completely intolerant for those who do things differently please), wanting to eliminate English names in a bilingual city, if you don't want to be like us clan/screw you learn French or leave (wow, very neighbourly!...and for those bad a languages?), preach loudly that the Canadian constitution doesn't exist here [in QC], and, as disgusting as it is to hear, sometimes Hitler sympathisers due to his great damage to the Commonwealth in which they live in. These childish (anecdote: I became ones' boss and he decided not to show up for work for the better part of a week - an example of how much repetitive brain-washing will do) belligerents still fighting after centuries of losing a battle that paved the way for the foundation of modern Canada (like people fighting the tide, or trying to change the outcome of the battle on the Plains, which is funny considering that the U.K. still celebrates almost yearly the Franco-Norman invasion by means of re-enacting the loss at Hastings) even if the French language is not in danger in the province itself (whilst the only real thing diminishing is bilingualism, English in QC and the rights of minorities):  seemingly following the ancien regime policy of France, to act and take every possible means to insult, to disgrace, and triumph over a minorities’ weakness within this province (ceux sont les agresseurs qui aiment bien profité de la vulnérabilité des minorités à l'intérieur de la province) - even to the point of publicly insulting victims (jeez sounds like the Bye Bye 2008 doesn’t it…lambasted by just about everyone thankfully) – ideas from mid the sixteenth century (yeah, and some militants are very proud to be that retrograde - note this is just a demonstration by an actor at Radio-Canada, similar to how a Red-neck would ramble on in English or spit in the direction of someone who speaks French, as I have witnessed once in B.C.'s rural communities).  These are normally aggressive men since the women do not act this dense in public, but Madame Marois and Madame Harel cannot change their stripes, sorry no matter how nice your smiles are Ladies! ll faut revenir à la tolérance de notre cher Guy Favreau SVP - the majority must remember its true history and not the biased post-Bill 101 generation revisionist history moulded by separatist political parties and their repetitive propaganda. 
Le Québec, mon cher, ça vas faire l'Anglophobie! Notre propre gouvernement et sa faction anglophobe nous traite d’esclaves (second class without question) et viole nos droits quotidiennement, et d'autres minorités bien souvent aussi.

The clanniste types will try and make us feel guilty for something that happened before the majority of us had the chance to make a difference or act - speading lies such as if the English speaking minority doesn't want to learn French (even though the statistics show we are 90% bilingual on both sides of the linguistic fence locally, but on the English speaking side still get the never-ending harassment/judgementalism/guilt trip from separatists).  Do not expect someone to apologise for territory gained by Right of Conquest from several hundreds of years ago, nor shall we be made to feel like we are 'impostors' in our own province (as explained eloquently by notre cher René-Daniel Dubois
mostly by the gros bébés qui lache pas leur nombril ? Merci BAZZO!): even after the government mistakenly translates a letter to new businesses that start up here requesting English documentation (thwarting external business investment in the province on purpose?) – calling those from outside the province Artificial Persons - a very bad, perhaps intentional translation of Personne Morale – a simple fix by means of using Google to search on the Govt. of Canada site would show Corporate Body is the correct translation (only two clicks away Mr. Craig at Revenu QC, and no 'I'm not a linguist', just a citizen who knows his own language and was trying to follow up on a complaint three phone calls still could not fix: denial, reprisal, arrogance, ignorance, you chose the excuse for making outsiders feel 'artificial'). Recently, I even had one RQ employee tell me that it's not possible that my social insurance number (SIN) start with a 7 🙂  Can someone really be that thick? Can someone tell me the solution to this distinct ignorance? Est-ce qu'on peut dire ensemble que ce n'est pas acceuillant?

We can make a difference and embrace bilingualism not only for many of the reasons above - mais il faut penser aussi, ceux qui vivent en Europe, par défaut, doivent apprendre trois langues normalement au début.  Pensez plus loin que les deux langues, s’il vous plait.  We have to help people learn French in Montreal by promoting bilingualism, since we are a bilingual country, even my father in Vancouver shows us an example of French speakers in Vancouver back in the early eighteys (see near the end of the clip please), and to welcome visitors here, meaning signs should be equal in size when it is with respect to a person's security, and to help those who wish to learn French slowly (while seeing the equivalent in the other language), since it is done in several ways/speeds depending each individual and their situation.

Mais il y a un autre règle bien claire - il faut parler la langue du client and not throw everybody off the bus because someone asks the time in English. Is it that hard to imagine why? Can the 'territorialists’ think farther than their own foot please? Projecting a language battle onto a Tourist or new arrivals to the Metropole makes utterly no sense!  If you don't speak to a client in a language they are comfortable with, then you're asking to be put out of business (hmm, high number small business failures here, wonder why? And called Losers if they fail – but then again, how do you learn without making a mistake?):  maybe those in QC who espouse this mentality should look in the mirror a little and see how they are shooting themselves and the rest of the province collectively in the foot. Even if most Quebeckers are way more progressive than this, the faction within the government I am targetting prevents everyone from moving on (and in many private companies too, even some multi-nationals), hence my argument that this is internal QC govt issue in the end (weed out the xenophobe goons, and send them back to development for the Quebecker 3.x patch, guys who espouse the shameful behaviour described above). This faction would typically think “Oh, no, we don't want evil money anyway” (more the point Fagstien has already mentioned, about ridiculous QC judgemental issue concerning what linguistic side the money comes from) – and project their fear of losing the French language in North America (still here after 400 years) by repetitively attempting to drop bilingualism in Montreal, which has benefitted from being bilingual for hundreds of years (naw, let's just over-write that history shall we M. Legault/Montmorency/Harel/...of when Montreal was the financial centre of Canada: now reputable for Graft and municipal mismanagment).  Meaning the Anglo minority has to suffer by having these Zombies (listen to the lyrics from the Cranberries' song) using psychological harassment and preaching hatred due to this Québécois knee-jerk reaction of insecurity over continuing to share territory with English-speaking Canadians (feeding the territorial myth that QC is a country espoused by some clannistes in denial).  We, as the minority, are being repetitively asked to accept their ill-will to make Montreal a linguistic battleground via bureacractic blockade,even accusing trilingual Allophones of being 'pawns' because they haven't been brain-washed to demonise English to the extent this faction would have one believe, which is openly supported by certain government organisations in the form of Sociological Propaganda. 

Denying the fact that English even exists as an official language (! because local Anglo-Quebeckers are simply an irritant to them?) is another one of the nasty tricks also - quite the myth since many municipalities of the Island Metropole are officially bilingual, as well as many surrounding areas in Greater Montreal.  Not even two elections ago, all major political debates were in both languages, and should return to that state, but Mayoral candidate Harel refused due to her lack of experience with debates in la langue des traites (how militants describe the English language in forums).  Canada is a bilingual country, but we get the impression that le Gouvernement du Québec's pro-independence faction wishes to maintain a double-standard; trying to maintain a tyrannical precedent with Bill 101 put in place by the Liberals as an appeasement to the Sovereigntists, whilst trying to make minorities which follow the Lingua Franca, a natural occurence in itself, feel unwelcome/unconfortable with respect to their linguistic skin. 

Canada itself and its English speaking majority must be cautious with respect to not excluding Francophones on the other hand in the rest of Canada - I cannot tell you how exactly, but just put yourself on the other end of some of the arguments (harassment either way for cultural differences is unacceptable), it it should be obvious to understand how to proceed. This is why discrimination, anywhere along the line, breeds contempt, and therefore leads the extremists in Quebec to act on Fear (which is always bad), and being a minority leads to distress, which in turn causes the knee jerk reaction of a wounded dog to bite back even harder.  We must promote Bilingualism since it is the best path to curtail this quasi-civil war continuing in the office spaces of Montreal; there must not be this so called failure to communicate (continuance of the two solitudes): it's ripping the country apart, wasting countless resources, and there shouldn't be such a denial on any side when it comes to something that can happen anywhere (listen to the words of Faithless` [inaction is a weapon of] Mass Destruction carefully).



Do my readers know, here's an example of why 'Anglos' leave the province, that the Registre des entreprises (our provincial company registry) forces you to sign up your company only in French, you aren't allowed to say your profession in both languages even (unless you do it through an on-line registration thankfully…so that it won’t get rejected and filtered by an Anglophobic bureaucrat).  In the French vernacular itself, even when a headhunter asks for a database administrator it’s un DBA that potential clients/recruiters ask for, not un analyste de la base de donnée. So my business has to suffer because a faction within the government again wants to prevent me from advancement? No, no, let's move along people….denial of discrimination is getting QC nowhere, wake up SVP - we can reverse the trend, ensemble.  I’m not going listen anymore to the 'il faut que tu te tais’ recommendations from that faction who lost us all a colossal forty seven billion dollars of retirement money.  These persons, of such low integrity once you stand up to their hypocrisy, sound very similar to the mentality of the fringe patriotes who heckled bands signing in English during a public holiday - which even sovereigntist singers such as Éric Lapointe denounced (good on him for doing so publically).  It is for sure that not all sovereigntists think this way (traits, mentioned above), or would actively - just the 10-15% on the fringe are my specific target with reason.

This support by govt. institutions against the English speaking population is very serious and has seemingly increased since Harper cut Cultural funding, which in the end was partially rolled back.  Never the less, we must have the Right to Freely work for the Government of Quebeck without the hindrance of unwanted racial comments, vexatious behaviour, unwanted actions by sovereigntist bullies and especially not to be used as the scapegoat to huge problems the Francophone majority wishes to push back onto the token ‘Anglo’ working in the office (a scapegoat for not managing risk appropriately), a tendency when there is bad news, lack of technical understanding, or deadlines that have not been met and ignorance of harassment laws. The result is, a lethargic bureaucratic process a victim must go through for retribution, and is another weapon that favours the majority – because Anglos are subject to prejudice and assumed to be privileged within the province. This is a myth from over a generation ago at least, but still propagated by the old-guard militants who think that Anglos all live in Westmount - which in itself is wrong, since we both know the best part of town, is the Plateau!.

To the intolerant arrogance of the few QC élite French supremacists (just as bad as the 'Rhodesian douchebags' as described on the other extreme of the argument) nobody wants this type of behaviour, so why does everyone become so apathetic here when it’s done openly (RRQ,  Patriotes, Landry, etc.).  Is the disease so bad over here in the East (I'm from BC, remember – five thousand kilometres from here) that you cannot get over your quasi-civil war in the office space for even a few minutes to listen to reason?  The Working Standards Commission states that this type of vexatious behaviour is illegal, since it is unwanted (see here for references, since backup for arguments are a pre-prequisite, thugs take note).  I believe the only real solution is to have minority quotas (as is done for Federal public service across the country to protect francophones and maintain a 40% bilingual quota thankfully across our multi-nation state) within the provincial government - which audting/enforcement by the Working Standards Commission, since minorities cannot trust the government to let us into 'Clan' territory.

To my regular bloggers, sorry to spin off to this localised issue, but as you may know already, I will simply not stand by and let discrimination of this type go ignored and unhindered – especially since it has affected the lives of hundreds of thousands of English speaking Quebeckers (as well as all immigrants to the province)  as a result of the Parti Québécois’ rise in popularity during the seventies.  It is in decline now thankfully, and I openly call for their "you’re’ not part of the Clan" psychological harassment to end…like DECADES ago please.

As is mentioned by J. Perceval in 1743 (Faction Detected by the Evidence of Facts), I leave you with some excerpts from the very first pages in which one can easily describe the desire of these militant sovereigntist men:

“after arising from several generations of increased wealth and considerable fortunes, by natural consequence, too often lead to conspire against that very Felicity, Peace, Quiet and Prosperity to which alone they have owned their very own existence. Arrogance and pride, without a more than common share of understanding, are the universal product of all hasty advancement. …this something , which they find still wanting, sours them within their own state, and inclines them to fall in with any popular discontent; partly to gratify their Vanity by insulting those [who have supported them for hundreds of years, with all the ups and downs that comes along with any interdependence] ; and partly to create a state of chaos, out of which they hope to emerge upon a Level with those they envy [trying to better the British Supremacist types, by assuming an entitled elite that is more discriminatory than ever] …and in the process of time, the Loss of real Liberty, whose sacred name is so often speciously prophaned by Malice and Ambition.  Even Liberty itself, the more perfect it is, produces these effects more strongly; for the wantonness and licentiousness, which are its evil Genii, tempt all depraved Tempers to abuse it [celui qui cri le plus fort], and expose many of the Lash of the Laws, and to just indignation of power; which none, who feel, forgive, however they deserve it. At the same time, the natural Tendancy in all Humankind to expect more Favour than they merit, provokes unjust Resentments against Government, and a certain Infirmity (of which we all in some Degree partake) to be uneasy with what we have, and to endeavour after more… all these move by a secret Principle to that Quarter where it erects its Standard, be it just or unjust, be it save or to destroy their Country.”


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