SSRS Connection Issues

  • I've got new SQL2005 install on Server2008 with the SSRS service running as a user with admin rights on the box. When I try to connect to SSRS (both as the service account and myself, both SQL sysadmins) I get "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it :443".

    When I try to go to http:///Reports/ in a browser, I get "unable to connect to the remote server".

    When I go into the Surface Area configuration, and click on the "Windows Integrated Security" under "Reporting Services", it pops up a message that says "The request failed with HTTP status 403: Forbidden. (SQLSAC)".

    Can anyone think of something obvious I'm missing? I've got Windows Firewall totally turned off.

    The Redneck DBA

  • what is the status of IIS?

  • It seems to be OK.

    I get a decent looking error screen and not just a nasty 404 page or something, and if I just go to http:/// I get the IIS7 "welcome screen" (or whatever it's called).

    I also made a dummy "test" site and slapped up a "Hello World" HTML page and that works OK.

    The Redneck DBA

  • Is this the first time you are logging to SSRS?

    Check if you have already configured reporting services at

    All programs-->SQL 2005-->Conf. tools-->reporting services conf.

    You should see all ticks there.

  • I haven't set up share point integration or the e-mail settings, or backed up the encryption keys, but I wouldn't think those would stop it from working. Everything else has a green check by it.

    The Redneck DBA

  • Is this the first time you are logging?

    if IIS is fine:

    looks like you need to review ssrs configuration:

    Reporting Services Configuration Tool


    Troubleshooting Reporting Services

    may be try this:

    Change the Reports / ReportServer virtual directory properties for the Application Pool from defaultapppool to the ReportServices pool. Restart IIS , clear IIS cache and

    http://localhost/reports - finally came up !!!

  • Thanks for the links.

    I finally gave up and just went thru each of the little steps in the report server configuration tool and clicked the 'apply defaults' button. (which is what I thought I did to start with).

    It still didn't work, so just for fun I rebooted the server, and when it came up it magically worked.


    The Redneck DBA

  • Jason Shadonix (7/21/2009)

    It still didn't work, so just for fun I rebooted the server, and when it came up it magically worked.


    😀 following the old motto, when everything else fails, reboot.....

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