SQL Express - Auto BackUp - changing file name each time

  • Hi,

    I have a the following SQL code run daily from a .bat file to do daily backups..

    The .bat file has...

    Sqlcmd -S MyDB -U MASTER -P CONTROL -i C:\MyDB\MyDB.sql

    The MyDB.sql file has...


    It works fine - but each time it overwrites the last backup - (i want to keep last 3 or 4 backups)

    An ideas how I can save the file name like yyyymmdd_MyDB.bak

    where yyyymmdd is the year-month-day of the backup so we can save copies each day.

    many thanks


  • Hi Mike,

    Try using the following in the .sql file:

    declare @BackupDest varchar(100)

    set @BackupDest = 'C:\MyDB\' + cast(year(getdate()) as char(4)) + right('0' + month(getdate()),2) + right('0' + day(getdate()),2) + '_MyDB.bak'


    TO DISK = @BackupDest WITH INIT

    Silly question, did you alter the username and password to protect the innocent? 😀

    [font="Tahoma"]I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. -Douglas Adams[/font]

  • Many thanks Rob, will try tonight, Mike

  • Thanks, worked perfect!! Mike

  • declare @BackupDest varchar(100)

    set @BackupDest = 'C:\MyDB\MyDB_' + convert(varchar,getdate(),112)+'.BAK'


    TO DISK = @BackupDest WITH INIT

    A trimmed version of the same code 😉

    Pradeep Singh

  • Thank you for that, it was difficult to explain my need and finally this was right on target.:-D

  • I dont want to hyjack this thread, but, I'm gona.:-)

    So I want to do the same thing, back up and keep several backup files. This being siad, I have one more thing I want to do, but I'm not sure how to do it.

    I want to remove backups older then a few days fromthe folder where I am storing the backups.

    I want this to be a part of the backup process. Do the backup, remove backup older then 2 days

    Drive space is a premium for us so the attempt here is to maintain 2 days of near online backups, while the server is backed up daily as well with our backup solution.

    I'm admittedly not a DBA so I'm rather unskilled with SQL server.

    Thank you in advance for any help

  • Comment removed - should have paid more attention to which forum this was posted in. Sorry!


  • Hi,

    I use this type of logic to remove old files (WScript)..

    Option Explicit

    Dim FSO, WshShell, Then_Date, WSHShellENV, TempFolder, Recycled

    On Error Resume Next

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' creating a new object to a computer's file system

    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' creates an object in type specified

    Set WSHShellENV = WSHShell.Environment("PROCESS")

    set TempFolder = FSO.GetFolder(WSHShellENV("TEMP")) ' creates a Folder object to the path you specify

    Set Recycled = FSO.GetFolder("C:\Myfolder\Backup\") ' creates a Folder object to the path youspecify and name it

    DoDir FSO.GetFolder("C:\Myfolder\Backup") 'set starting directory A MUST

    Then_Date = DateAdd("d", -2, Date)

    Sub DoDir(Folder)

    Dim i, File, SubFolder, fstr, pos, last_mod ' creating variables needed for function

    Dim Now_Date, Then_Date ' creates the variable used for today's date

    Now_Date = Date ' loads today's date into variable Now_Date

    Then_Date = DateAdd("d",-2, Now_Date) ' subtracts two days from the current date

    'WScript.Echo(Then_Date) ' TEST FOR THEN DATE

    'WScript.Echo(Now_Date) ' TEST FOR TODAY'S DATE

    'WScript.Echo(Folder) ' TEST FOR CORRECT FOLDER

    For Each File In Folder.Files ' For each file in folder.files

    if ((File.DateLastModified <= Then_Date)) then ' check whether the file IS

    ' older than keep date

    File.delete ' if older than keep date, simply delete it

    End if


    For Each SubFolder in Folder.SubFolders

    DoDir SubFolder


    End Sub

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