Reporting Services 2005: add ±, %, average in a matrix table

  • Hello, I´m a beginner in reporting services 2005. I don´t know to write code and i try create the below.

    I have created the matrix table:



    =Fields!Periods.Value =Fields!units.Value

    and the result is:


    2007 2008

    P_1 35.557 34.842

    P_2 35.601 35.049

    P_3 35.957 35.319

    P_4 35.819 35.661

    P_5 37.351 35.738

    P_6 37.549 36.301

    1) How could I create a column with ± and % ?


    2007 2008 ± %

    P_1 35.557 34.842 -715 -2,01%

    2) At the end of the table i want average of years and no total. how could i do this?

    Thank you in advance for your instant reply....its very urgent!

  • hello,

    i have the same problem, i don't know what you do

    please help

  • I also want to show averages.

    If this isn't possible can some-one explain how to make a table next to Matrix which has averages of the matrix?

  • Hi!!

    I hope this help you, this is a trick, I can't do it in the matrix, but it can be in a second table...

    1. In the dataset that fill the matrix you going to add a new calculus, this going be:

    CASE WHEN Fields!Reporting_Year.Value = 2007 then -Fields!units.Value else Fields!units.Value end AS Dif,

    CASE WHEN Fields!Reporting_Year.Value = 2007 then -Fields!units.Value else 0 end AS FirstYear

    2. Insert a table, the table should have 3 columns

    3. In the properties of the table define the dataset (should be the same that the matrix)

    4. Add the group Fields!Periods.Value

    5. Delete the next rows from the table: group header, table detail and table footer (the table only should have table header and group footer)

    6. -- difference between years

    In the second line and first column write =sum(Fields!Dif.Value)

    7. -- %

    In the second line and second column write =(sum(Fields!Dif.Value)*100)/sum(Fields!FirstYear.Value)

    8. -- average between years

    In the second line and third column write =Sum(Fields!units.Value)/CountDistinct(Fields!Reporting_Year.Value)

    the table should look of this way:



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