use distribution
/*Query to get your articleID*/
select top 100 * from Distribution.dbo.MSarticles
/*Use this when you have the xac_seqno that is failing or your last that was replicated*/
select * from MSrepl_commands Where xact_seqno >= 0x0005AEF70000004A000900000000
/*use this to review your errors*/
From MSrepl_errors
/*use this to list the commands to be replicated*/
sp_browsereplcmds '0x0005AEF70000004A000900000000', '0x0005AEF70000004A000900000000'
/*Once that you have the commands to be deleted, add them inside the IN*/
DELETE from MSrepl_commands where command_id=1 and xact_seqno in (0x0005ADE2000001E00009)
and [command] like '%MSins%'