ER Diagram ---> from production DB

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm try to create an ER diagram from an existing DB in production. When the system was designed no one took time to do this. Creating ad hoc queries for someone who has no idea of the schema is very hard and takes up too much of their time. I basically want to give a "big picture" of the db. I don't want to get too detailed with the diagram. This particular DB is on SQL Server 2000.

    Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

    Take care and stay well.




  • In SQL 2000, u can use the wizard to generate Diagrams of ur database. Its really easy to use, Just Rt.Click on Database diagram folder under database

  • I use Visio for Enterprise Architects for this. It has a fairly good reverse engineering function allowing you to connect to the database and extract all the SQL object metadata. You can then assemble the ERD in Visio by creating a consolidated view or mutiple pages each concentraing on a set of tables.

    Stephen Marais
    Integration Architect
    Digiata Technologies

  • Even bog standard Visio Professional will reverse engineer. It is the enterprise architect edition that forward engineers.

    You could look at Sparx Data Architect as a possible tool or Erwin.

  • Hi, well there is another tool called ER/Studio from Embarcadero Technologies, and is the most complete and easy to use, among the previus mentioned tools.

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