Finding duplicates

  • I have a SQL Server 2005 table that has multiple rows for one specific item, say item 123456. There is a field (call it recID) that has a specific value that is set when this item was added to the table and shold never be changed when a new row is added for this item in this table. I am now finding that recID has a different value from the original. I am trying to write SQL code to return me all occurrences when recID is different for a specific item. Any thoughts.

    I am more or less trying to find duplicates.

  • If you only care about duplicates, and not whether the value changed or not, then something like this should work:

    select itemID, recID

    from mytable

    group by itemID, recID

    having count(1) > 1;

  • Can you post some DDL and sample data as suggested in the links in my signature line?

    Here's a weak attempt to help:

    ;With cteDupes AS



    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY item_id ORDER BY item_id) AS row_id,









    cteDupes AS CD


    EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cteDupes AS CD1 WHERE CD1.row_id > 1 AND CD.item_id = CD1.item_id)

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