How to determine orphaned users without using sp_change_users_login?

  • In BOL for SQL 2008, under sp_change_users_login, we are supposed to stop using sp_change_users_login and instead use ALTER USER.

    One of the parameters for sp_change_users_login is "Report", which:

    Lists the users and corresponding security identifiers (SID) in the current database that are not linked to any login. user, login, and password must be NULL or not specified.

    My question is this: what are we supposed to use to determine orphaned users?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • EXEC sp_validatelogins

  • This will pick up users that were created using the WITHOUT LOGIN clause, but I don't know of any easy way to differentiate them from orphaned users. And likely there are few cases where you will have those types of users.

    SELECT dp.[name], dp.sid

    FROM sys.database_principals dp

    LEFT JOIN sys.server_principals sp

    ON dp.sid = sp.sid

    WHERE sp.[name] IS NULL

    AND dp.is_fixed_role = 0

    AND NOT IN ('public', 'dbo', 'guest', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'sys');

    K. Brian Kelley

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