SQL Server Login and SQLcmd

  • Hi,

    I'm hoping someone can help me with the finishing points of a project.

    The aim is to take a SQL Server Express database from a server onto a laptop for out of hours access. It is only for reference, so the database does not need to be copied back yet. It is also needs to have 'one button' operation.

    So since I have only Express to work with, then I have to construct something manually.

    I have opted for batch file and sqlcmd text files. It basically sends a sqlcmd to the server to create a backup, copies the backup to the laptop and then another sqlcmd to restore the database on laptop, get rid of temp files, and voila the database is effectively copied.

    The problem I am having is that I need to distribute laptops that are not part of a domain, but still need the authority to issue an instruction to the Server. I thought I could get around this by using SQL Server login rather than Windows Authentication. However, I have created a SQL Login (on studio express), just in the same way as a new Windows Authentication user. But, it doesn't work, I cannot even logon to the SQLcmd.

    What am I doing wrong, is there another setting I haven't clicked yet, (I am non technical and new to SQL, so it could be something really obvious !)

    Or, alternatively, have I completely over engineered this, and am missing a simple solution ??

    Many thanks for any help.


  • Found it, I had the Windows Authentication only mode rather than the Mixed mode.

    Oh well, still interested if there is a simpler solution.

  • Hello,

    Did you lookat using DB Detach/Attach instead of Backup/Restore? It would be more efficient if it worked.


    John Marsh

    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

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