Loop Insert

  • I am trying to insert into a table 89 rows that are all the same except the contactID.

    I need to loop through the contactIDs that I get from this query. I am not sure how to do that.

    My insert Statement:

    INSERT INTO [Registration]

















    ,'9/26/2007 8AM'











    My query to get the contactIDs:

    SELECT Contact.ContactID

    FROM CourseHistory INNER JOIN

    Contact ON CourseHistory.ContactID = Contact.ContactID

    WHERE (CourseHistory.CourseUniqueID = 80) AND (CourseHistory.CourseDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '2007-09-26 08:00:00', 102)) AND

    (CourseHistory.Course_Cost = 0)

    Thank you for your assistance.

  • No need to loop.

    This statement will insert all 89 rows in one transaction.

    INSERT INTO [Registration]














    SELECT C.ContactID













    FROM CourseHistory H

    INNER JOIN Contact C ON (H.ContactID = C.ContactID)

    WHERE (H.CourseUniqueID = 80)

    AND (H.CourseDate = '20070926 08:00:00')

    AND (H.Course_Cost = 0)

    Before running the INSERT, you can run the SELECT part of the statement to check the rows that will be inserted.

    SELECT C.ContactID













    FROM CourseHistory H

    INNER JOIN Contact C ON (H.ContactID = C.ContactID)

    WHERE (H.CourseUniqueID = 80)

    AND (H.CourseDate = '20070926 08:00:00')

    AND (H.Course_Cost = 0)

  • SSChasing Mays,

    Perfect! Thank you very much for your help.


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