port issues with 2005 and 2008, multiple instances

  • We recently changed all of our databases over to a new virtual server (running windows server Datacenter07). I set up 3 different NAMED 2005 (std) instances that contain all of our production databases. I then installed a 2008 instance as the default instance. When I try to start the services on the 08 instance, it says that there is already something using port 1433.

    My questions is - if you have multiple instances on a machine, do you need to have different ports? I don't figure that you do since the other 3 instances are running fine.

    Second question - Is this something to do with a conflict between 05 and 08?

    I'll just keep listing them off...

    Could this be a problem with the virtual server?

    Is this the issues because the 08 is the default instance?

    Anyone else run into this issue?

    The error I get is:

    in the event viewer - Server TCP provider failed to listen on [ 'any' 1433]. Tcp port is already in use.

    TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x2740, status code 0xa. Reason: Unable to initialize the TCP/IP listener. Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

    TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x2740, status code 0x1. Reason: Initialization failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

    Could not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log.

    SQL Server could not spawn FRunCM thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems.

  • I was able to figure this out on my own. The problem was that I should have taken out the TCP port (1433) and added in a dynamic port.

    Works now.

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