Central SQL Replication Server

  • I have a production server - 'A' that I want to replicate its databases to a DRP server - 'D'. I also have a need to replicate some of the databases on 'A' to a test server 'C'. Can I set up a central replication server - 'B' that would act as a gateway from 'A' to the rest of the world? If so, can it be done without having to put copies of the databases on 'A' onto server 'B'? I understand having servers 'C' and 'D' in sync to start with, but trying to figure out a gateway type of solution. I'm looking to do transaction replication. Anyone able to give me an answer will be greatly appreciated.

  • Yes, you can. Enable replication at the server you are going to use as central processing. Your publications will be created in the servers with the databases to be replicated, the subscribers will be the destination for the replicated data, bubt all the processing will be done at the central replication server.

    I hope the little drwaing is clear when you get it. I used this architecture quite a lot. One thing you need to have in mind is that the distributor may be a single point of failure, so I recommend to have this server covered by a fail over plan.


    | |<--- Publisher2

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    - Transactional Replication 2



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    | |<--- Publisher 1

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    |||||| - ||||||

    - Transactional Replication 1 | |

    ------------> | |<--- Distributor

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    Transactions to write 1


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    | |<--- Subscriber 1

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    Transactions to write 2


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    | |<--- Subscriber 2

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