Regarding Level and its Description

  • Hi all,

    I want to know the hierarchy of various levels and its description that SQL Server Central providing for us. Just want to know what each level says and which is the last level :-).


    Ashok S

  • Is this what you're looking for?

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Suggestions/comments are welcome. We are looking to revamp some of this.

  • Thanks GSquared,

    Exactly thats what I'm looking for :-).

    And Steve, I suggest you to have a seperate link for viewing these information. As there is no links available in the site it looks difficult to understand the levels and points earned. Also, If you take me, I have just started scoring points and

    I got 194 points in QotD - SSC-Enthusiastic

    17 points in Forums - Grasshopper

    Overall 211 points - SSC Veteran.

    But in my forum post it shows 99 points - SSC Journeyman.

    Why this confusion????

    Can we have somthing like awarding 10 points for those replies which solves/answers the questions? Something like in forums. With this it may encourage the users of this portal to post more replies and questions. Its just my suggestion and its you Steve to take the decision :-).

    Thanks for listening to my comments....


    Ashok S

  • The points in the forums are confusing, as we might need to clean that up. There might be a calculation error in there somewhere.

    Having someone mark an answer is of dubious value. We've debated that so many times and I think it adds confusion. Lots of people will never mark something as answered. It can impede additional discussion, and the OP often is not qualified to say if something is a good solution. So people might be mislead into thinking an "answer" is a good solution.

    A reboot solves many issues in the short term. I'm not sure that it's the advice we want marked as an "answer"

  • Ashok (3/19/2009)

    Thanks GSquared,

    Exactly thats what I'm looking for :-).

    And Steve, I suggest you to have a seperate link for viewing these information. As there is no links available in the site it looks difficult to understand the levels and points earned. Also, If you take me, I have just started scoring points and

    I got 194 points in QotD - SSC-Enthusiastic

    17 points in Forums - Grasshopper

    Overall 211 points - SSC Veteran.

    But in my forum post it shows 99 points - SSC Journeyman.

    Why this confusion????

    Can we have somthing like awarding 10 points for those replies which solves/answers the questions? Something like in forums. With this it may encourage the users of this portal to post more replies and questions. Its just my suggestion and its you Steve to take the decision :-).

    Thanks for listening to my comments....


    Ashok S

    Just curious... Would you also take points away from that "best" answer that solved the problem if a better one showed up? And who would be the judge? The person asking for the help is not qualified to judge or they wouldn't have had to ask the question to begin with.

    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • I think the points in the forum, given for # of posts, do matter. They show that someone is sticking in this community, and giving regular advice. If someone were consistently, and constantly giving bad advice, people would note it, I'd delete some posts if they were really bad, and they'd never rack up 1,000 posts. There is some value there.

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