Problem with Temp table created by exec(@SQL)

  • Hi Forum,

    I need to create a Stored Procedure which will receive the name of a table as parameter and perform numerous operations (probably using a 'Curse her' :crazy:) on that table. I know this sound unorthodox but there's a few reasons why I have to do things this way.

    In the procedure I don't want to have to build multiple SQL command strings and call Exec (@SQL) repeatedly so I'm trying to copy the source table to a #temporary table so I can use regular T-SQL syntax throughout the procedure.

    Here's a short script to illustrate what I'm trying to do.

    /* First let's create a table to work with. In 'real life' this would be created by a 3rd party app which will call the procedure */

    Create Table myTable (Col1 char(20))


    /* Add some data to it */

    insert into myTable

    Select 'A' union all

    Select 'B' union all

    Select 'C'


    /* Create the Procedure */

    Create Procedure DoMyStuff


    @TableName char(100)



    Declare @CopyCommand char(100)

    Set @CopyCommand = 'select * into #T from ' + rtrim(@TableName)

    Exec (@CopyCommand)

    Select * from #T


    /* Test it ! */

    Exec DoMyStuff 'MyTable'

    For some reason the #T table doesn't get created, or if it does then I don't know where because when I run the procedure I get the result shown below and I can't find a #T table in tempdb.

    Msg 208, Level 16, State 0, Procedure DoMyStuff, Line 8

    Invalid object name '#T'.

    What I am doing wrong ?

  • Temporary tables are created within context and when you use dynamic sql you have created a new context, so when you

    create a temporary table within dynamic sql it is only available within that context.

    To return your data you would need to do the select from #temp within the dynamic sql.

  • eric (10/30/2008)

    Hi Forum,

    I need to create a Stored Procedure which will receive the name of a table as parameter and perform numerous operations (probably using a 'Curse her' :crazy:) on that table. I know this sound unorthodox but there's a few reasons why I have to do things this way.

    In the procedure I don't want to have to build multiple SQL command strings and call Exec (@SQL) repeatedly so I'm trying to copy the source table to a #temporary table so I can use regular T-SQL syntax throughout the procedure.

    Here's a short script to illustrate what I'm trying to do.

    /* First let's create a table to work with. In 'real life' this would be created by a 3rd party app which will call the procedure */

    Create Table myTable (Col1 char(20))


    /* Add some data to it */

    insert into myTable

    Select 'A' union all

    Select 'B' union all

    Select 'C'


    /* Create the Procedure */

    Create Procedure DoMyStuff


    @TableName char(100)



    Declare @CopyCommand char(100)

    Set @CopyCommand = 'select * into #T from ' + rtrim(@TableName)

    Exec (@CopyCommand)

    Select * from #T


    /* Test it ! */

    Exec DoMyStuff 'MyTable'

    For some reason the #T table doesn't get created, or if it does then I don't know where because when I run the procedure I get the result shown below and I can't find a #T table in tempdb.

    Msg 208, Level 16, State 0, Procedure DoMyStuff, Line 8

    Invalid object name '#T'.

    What I am doing wrong ?

    You are creating a local temporary table. It is being created when you do the Exec (@CopyCommand), however it is deleted by SQL Server when the command completes as it is created in a different session. You either need to create a permanent table in the dynamic sql, or use a global temporary table, and then explicitly drop the table when you are done.

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