if/else statement inTSQL

  • Hi,

    I have a probleme with the statement "if/else"

    In my stored procedure

    I had written this statement:


    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_construction_tb_diag2_TER_test]



    -- Déclaration de deux variables

    DECLARE @Annee int, @mois int

    -- Enrichissement des deux variables avec les

    -- données 'date_ref' du fichier importé

    select distinct @Annee=2007 ,@mois=12

    FROM tb_import_diag

    Update tb_diag



    CASE WHEN (MTDOMHEX < 91469 AND M1COLLEC >= 152449 AND M1COLLEC<300000) THEN 3

    WHEN (MTDOMHEX >= 91469 AND MTDOMHEX<= 150000 ) OR
    (M1COLLEC <= 1000000 AND M1COLLEC >= 300000 ) THEN 2

    WHEN (MTDOMHEX > 150000 ) OR

    (M1COLLEC > 1000000 ) THEN 1

    ELSE 4


    where YEAR(DATE_REF)=@annee AND MONTH(DATE_REF)=@mois


    But it does'nt give me the right result this is why i want to code this statement with if/else :

    But the problem that SQL server it doesn't know on which table I study and it can't find the column names

    This is my first probleme. Is there anyone who can help me please??

  • nothing wrong with the syntax of your case statement

    One thing to note though, a Case Statement will stop as soon as it hits a condition which is true, so make sure you have the order of cases correct.

    One other point, when you set the year and month variables in the select statement.

    You don't need to use a table

    select @year = 2007, @month=12

    will suffice

  • I'm not sure with case statement if sql server compiler reads the code line by line. Because when i change the order of the case it gives me the same result. And for some value of my attributs ,it can be true in more than 1 case.

    So I want to use if/else statement:(

  • if this is true

    And for some value of my attributs ,it can be true in more than 1 case.

    Then this cannot be the case

    when i change the order of the case it gives me the same result.

    Try the following example:



    when col1 = 'a' then 'a'

    when col1 = 'b' then 'b'

    when col2 = 2 then '2'


    from (

    select 'a' as col1, 2 as col2

    union all

    select 'b' as col1, 1 as col2

    union all

    select 'c' as col1, 3 as col2) T1

    Run it once, have a look at the output then put the third case condition to first place and run again

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