Expand All & Collapse All options in a drill down report

  • Hi,

    I have a report with drill down implemented to 3 levels.

    I want to provide options to Expand all items and Collapse All items in this report.


  • Basically, the answer is to add a report parameter for expand/collapse.

    Then, for each grouping add an IIF statement to make the group visable/hidden based on the report parameter.

    I googled this: reporting services collapse all

    and got a bunch of results that will probably give you more step by step instructions.

    Good luck.


  • i have implemented "Expand All and Collapse All options in a drill down" in this manner

    included a boolean parameter named "ExpandAllGroups"

    and then modified the sub groups as shown below:

    For each sub group (except the topmost)

    Edit Group --> Grouping and Sorting Properties --> Visibility Tab --> Initial Visibilty --> Expression: =IIf(Parameters!ExpandAllGroups.Value, False, True)

    This is working! But the problem is even when a group is expanded the symbol showed is "+" and similarly even if a group is collapsed the symbol "-" is showed.

  • sorry, i don't know an easy way to fix that. i think it's an ssrs 'feature'...

    if you figure it out, please post.

    thanks, m

  • My usual way of doing that is

    1. Make a boolean report parameter named "HideDetail". Depending on the user requirements, for some reports I make this a hidden parameter; otherwise I give it a parameter prompt like "Collapse Groups" or "Show Summary".

    2. For each table group except the top level, set the Initial Visibility property to =Parameters!HideDetail.Value

    3. For the toggle cell of each group, set its InitialToggleState property to =Not Parameters!HideDetail.Value . That sets the plus and minus toggle icons properly when the report is generated.


  • Great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  • this solution works!:D

    thank you!

  • Hi,

    Another simple way to do this 🙂

    1)- write click on level 2 text box (if you want have 2 levels)

    2)- Click Edit Group

    3- Go to the Visibility tab

    4)- Select Initial visibility Hidden

    5)- Check "Visibility can be toggled by another report item"

    6)- select level 1 item

    7)- Click oK

    and enjoy

  • My usual way of doing that is

    1. Make a boolean report parameter named "HideDetail". Depending on the user requirements, for some reports I make this a hidden parameter; otherwise I give it a parameter prompt like "Collapse Groups" or "Show Summary".

    2. For each table group except the top level, set the Initial Visibility property to =Parameters!HideDetail.Value

    3. For the toggle cell of each group, set its InitialToggleState property to =Not Parameters!HideDetail.Value . That sets the plus and minus toggle icons properly when the report is generated.


    Thanks a ton for this solution. It's just perfect!!:)

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