Stored Procedure datetime with default of current_date

  • I am trying to create a stored procedure with a default value of today basically on the Create_Date datetime column. Any ideas?

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspAddProject]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @app_general_proj nvarchar(255) = NULL,

    @app_general_aka varchar(5000) = NULL,

    @app_general_phase varchar(5000) = NULL,

    @app_general_location nvarchar(255) = NULL,

    @app_general_address varchar(5000) = NULL,

    @app_general_section varchar(5000) = Null,

    @app_general_floodplain varchar(5000) = NULL,

    @app_general_currentZoning varchar(5000) = NULL,

    @app_general_currentZoning2 varchar(5000) = NULL,

    @app_general_relatedfile1 varchar(5000) = NULL,

    @app_general_relatedfile2 varchar(5000) = NULL,

    @app_general_relatedFile3 varchar(5000) = NULL,

    @app_general_desc varchar(8000) = NULL,

    @app_general_CreateDate datetime = CURRENT_DATE,

    @app_general_CompletedDate datetime = NULL

  • you can use


    - OR



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