A different Distinct Query

  • I am having a table looks like


    st_no year month sal

    1 2008 1 1000

    1 2008 2 1000

    1 2008 3 1000

    1 2008 4 1010

    1 2008 5 1010

    1 2008 6 1010

    1 2008 7 1010

    1 2008 8 1020


    is it possible to get the year,month,sal for each change in salary



  • does it help?


    DECLARE @t TABLE (st_no INT, year INT, month INT, sal MONEY)

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,1,1000

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,2,1000

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,3,1000

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,4,1010

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,5,1010

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,6,1010

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,7,1010

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,8,1020

    ;WITH cte AS (

    SELECT *,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY sal ORDER BY year, month, sal) AS seq

    FROM @t


    SELECT year, month, sal, seq

    FROM cte

    WHERE seq = 1


    year month sal seq

    ----------- ----------- --------------------- --------------------

    2008 1 1000.00 1

    2008 4 1010.00 1

    2008 8 1020.00 1



  • When I first looked at Jacob's solution, I thought "what a nice solution". Unfortunately, it is simple, understandable and easily maintainable, but it works only in an ideal life where you will never experience drop in salary to your previous level. In fact, it does not record every CHANGE, it just finds first occurence of every value... which is not always the same thing.

    So, depending on what you need, you can either do with this, or look for a better solution that will show you every change in salary, no matter whether it is raise or the opposite. That would probably require a self-join, where you join each row of the table to the "previous" row and compare salary. This would be a lot easier with DATETIME column for the date instead on two columns, Year and Month.

  • I agree. I had this in mind.

    I see that most of the times the solutions given in the forums are not consumed entirely in its original form. People take ideas from it and convert it to a form that suites their specific business requirements.

    Similarly, when people post problems on the forums, they may not be posting the actual problem, but a subset of the specific problem. If they manage to get that solved, they could customize it to their specific requirement and add the additional validations and processing etc.

    ROW_NUMBER() is a great function and it can be used to solve a number of issues. My previous post attempts to solve the problem described in this post using ROW_NUMBER() with the given details of the problem. But it does not mean that ROW_NUMBER() is the right approach, because the post still does not provide the additional details of the application and specific business line.


  • John, if all you want is year, month, and sal, would this not work for you?

    SELECT MIN(year) as [year], MIN(month) as [month], sal

    FROM YourTable

    GROUP BY sal

    ORDER BY sal

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

    All my SSC forum answers come with a money back guarantee. If you didn't like the answer then I'll gladly refund what you paid for it.

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  • Alvin,

    that's not gonna work... the two MIN() are independent.

    If you have the same salary of 1000 in 12/2007 and 01/2008 (before and after that it was different), what will be the result for salary 1000?

    Correct... 01/2007... which is wrong 😉

    It would work with a proper datetime column though, so one can see how using proper datatypes helps.

  • Maybe this?

    WITH cte AS (

    SELECT *,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY st_no ORDER BY year, month) AS seq

    FROM @t


    SELECT a.st_no, a.year, a.month, a.sal

    FROM cte a


    WHERE a.st_no=b.st_no

    AND a.sal=b.sal

    AND a.seq=b.seq+1)


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • May be it is a good idea to wait till we hear from John about his requirements. If he expects salaries to go down, lets write a query that handles that.


  • Someone slap me please! All I keep thing about is using a ...... cursor.

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

    All my SSC forum answers come with a money back guarantee. If you didn't like the answer then I'll gladly refund what you paid for it.

    For best practices on asking questions, please read the following article: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Okay..... SLAP !!! 😀

    Seriously... CTEs can get the job done in SQL2005. Define two: cteA and cteB, both of which have a row number column ordered on month within year. Call the row number [RowNum]. CteA will represent the current month and cteB will represent the prior month. Then

    select cteA.year, cteA.month, cteA.salary

    from cteA

    join cteB on cteB.[RowNum] = cteA.[RowNum]-1

    where cteA.salary <> cteB.Salary

  • Hi Friends thank you so much for yor overwhelming reposne to my query

    after a while i realised that we could solve this query using some simple logic

  • Hi Friends

    Thank you so much for yor overwhelming reposne to my query

    After a while I realised that we could solve this query using a simple logic

    First consider this function which returns previous month sal

    Now the query looks simple

    select * from tbl_sal where sal<> dbo.FnPreviousMonthSal (staff_no,year ,month)

    create function FnPreviousMonthSal (@stno int ,@year numeric(4),@month numeric(2))

    returns numeric(15)



    if @month =1


    set @year=@year-1

    set @month=12




    set @month=@month-1


    return isnull( (select sal from tbl_sal where staff_no=@stno and year=@year and month=@month ) ,0 )


    Same function logic may be incorporated in a single query

  • That may be a simple function, but you have just killed your performance. If your table has 1000 rows in it, that function (and the select inside of it) will execute 1000 times. -- very bad --

    This problem can be solved with the running sums/tally table concept.



    CREATE TABLE #t (st_no INT, year INT, month INT, sal MONEY, change int, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (st_no, year, month))

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,1,1000

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,2,1000

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,3,1000

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,4,1010

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,5,1010

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,6,1010

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,7,1010

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,8,1020

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,9,1010

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,10,1010

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,11,1010

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 2,2008,1,2000

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 2,2008,2,2000

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 2,2008,3,2200

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 2,2008,4,2200

    INSERT INTO #t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 2,2008,5,2000

    DECLARE @st_no int

    DECLARE @new_st_no int

    DECLARE @change int

    DECLARE @Sal money

    SET @st_no = 0

    SET @new_st_no = 0

    SET @change = 0

    SET @Sal = 0

    UPDATE #t

    SET @new_st_no = CASE WHEN st_no = @st_no THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,

    @change = change = CASE WHEN @Sal = sal THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,

    @Sal = sal,

    @st_no = st_no

    SELECT * FROM #t WHERE change = 1


  • I think the function is just hidden row by row processing, the CTE will work, you just need to join it to itself. Assuming st_no is some identifier that ties these records together:


    DECLARE @t TABLE (st_no INT, year INT, month INT, sal MONEY)

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,1,1000

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,2,1000

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,3,1000

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,4,1010

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,5,1010

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,6,1010

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,7,1010

    INSERT INTO @t (st_no, year, month, sal) SELECT 1,2008,8,1020

    ;WITH cte AS (

    SELECT st_no, year, month, sal,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY st_no ORDER BY year, month) AS seq

    FROM @t)

    SELECT cm.st_no, cm.year, cm.month, cm.sal

    FROM cte cm

    LEFT OUTER JOIN cte pm ON cm.st_no = pm.st_no AND cm.seq = pm.seq + 1

    WHERE (pm.sal IS NULL OR cm.sal <> pm.sal)

    If you don't need the original salary you can take out the pm.sal IS NULL condition in the WHERE clause and it can be an INNER JOIN then also.

  • For the sake of :hehe: fun letus re write the query like this ,

    CTE is a veryu good option ,but even though ,we have SQL 2005 this particular database is in SQL 2000

    create table tbl_x


    staff_no int,

    year numeric(4),

    month numeric(2),

    sal numeric(15,2)



    a.staff_no ,


    a.month ,



    (select * ,prev_year = (case when month=1 then year-1 else year end ) ,

    prev_month=(case when month=1 then 12 else month-1 end )



    ) A

    left join

    tbl_x b


    a.staff_no=b.staff_no and a.prev_year=b.year and a.prev_month=b.prev_month and a.sal <>b.sal

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