SSRS unable to open

  • My Reporting services is unable to start from Management studio, actually there was few folders in the administratives tools-- iis- websites by name Reports and ReportServer, they are not there, might been deleted, how to create new one so that its been started again.


  • I need SQL Server version 2005 or 2008 and operating system and editions like XP home or pro Win2003 or Win2008 or Vista home, premium, Ultimate or Business. So I can tell you what you need to do.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I am having problem on two servers both on sql server 2005, But one server is totally window server 64bit and sp2 installed with 64 bit sql server, and the other is the 32 bit with 32 bit sql server 2005,

  • In SQL Server 2005 SSRS is IIS dependent so I need to know Windows versions 2003 or 2008 because that will determine how to configure IIS6 for Windows 2003 or IIS7 for Windows 2008.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • oh sorry,,its windows server 2003 enterprise edition with sp 2

  • That is what I needed because IIS 6 comes uninstalled and when installed comes locked down to render only static html. So you need to remove it and add it again this time click on details so you can add all the features needed to run And then go to the location below in your C drive and run aspnet_regiis.


    These are the default IIS 6 folder permissions.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • So how do i start with, i didnt the procedure you are telling me, Do i need to uninstall and install reporting services, or as you said going C drive and run aspnet_regiis.


    If you mean this, I already did this, no change still unable to connect SSRS.

  • No just IIS because in SQL Server 2005 if you don't have IIS installed the installer actually disables SSRS. So you need to go to Windows 2003 Add remove components and remove IIS. Then add it again and click on details and you will see at least ten features you need to enable for and Web Service. Then go to your C drive and run aspnet_regiis, then all will run as expected.

    Post again if you still need help I am here.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • well does it effect the websites folder , like the Reports and ReportServer, because one server is live and the other is almost ready to go live, so i dont want to screw things up, as users can still see the websites they want, the reason i am worried of is that i have to move this reports to a different server,

    is there a way i can move them without using SSRS from Management Studio.


  • If you have users then you need to start with the aspnet_regiis utility because it can resolve permissions issues. To move reports to a new SQL Server you have to move the ReportServerDB and TempReportServerDB to the new server. And when you have made sure both DBs are running you need to make sure the relational engine in the new server knows you have added these DB. There is a support article which shows all you need to get it to work.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • can you find me that support article or email me the process of moving reports to the new reports server.


  • These two articles shows you how to move Reporting Services, ReportServerDB and TempReportServerDB and make sure the relational engine of the new Server and IIS knows you have moved SSRS from one server to another.

    You also need to make sure you have moved that database your reports are using as Datasource, where your stored procs and SQL statements runs. Then you just need to copy each report RDL file and all associated solution files both files are in the folder you used to develop your reports to the new Server running these reports. Some reports comes with more than one solution files I copy all and all my reports have run. Why there is a copy of the RDL in the catalog table of the ReportServerDB.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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