Help SQL Squery

  • I have SQL Query I want to return one row with all the notes Concatenated.



    LC.Maint_Log_Contract_ID, LC.Maint_Log_Client_ID, LC.Cont_ID, LC.Cont_Type_ID, LC.Client_ID,

    ND.EditDate, ND.UserID, ND.Note_Text

    From _ut_PCA_Client_Admin_Maint_Log_Contract LC

    LEFT JOIN _ut_PCA_Client_Admin_Maint_Log_Notes_Detail ND

    on LC.Maint_Log_Contract_ID = ND.Maint_Log_Contract_ID

    Group by LC.Maint_Log_Contract_ID, LC.Maint_Log_Client_ID, LC.Cont_ID, LC.Cont_Type_ID, LC.Client_ID,

    ND.UserID, ND.Note_Text, ND.EditDate

    having ND.Editdate = max(ND.EditDate)



    310,8,550,1,2,12/16/2008 12:00:00 AM,211,"Test"

    310,8,550,1,2,12/16/2008 1:11:30 PM,211,"Test 2"

    310,8,550,1,2,12/16/2008 1:19:04 PM,211,"Test 3"

  • U can write cursor (might not be the best solution) and concate the note_text into one big string separated by comma. It will have limitation of 8000 character though.

  • mxwebb (12/17/2008)

    I have SQL Query I want to return one row with all the notes Concatenated.

    Writing a query to concatenate all of the notes in one row is simple - but your results list has three rows. Can you explain how you would like the data aggregated?

    If you read the link at the bottom of this post, it will show you how to write scripts for creating the tables and some sample data which will help people to help you.



    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Plan A would be to do that client side... assuming you are not violating the rule to send back more data than needed.

  • Please refer the following link.



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