Condensing an improperly written SP

  • Hi all,

    I have a SP that is using nested SELECTs with IN's... very processor heavy. I need to re-write it properly but it's complex and confusing.

    Can anyone please help? I've been trying for hours, but I can't get it.

    Here it is:


    USE [OurDB]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGetProductTypesWithAccess] Script Date: 10/07/2008 10:32:55 ******/





    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetProductTypesWithAccess]

    @customerID int,

    @loginUserName nvarchar(50)


    SELECT DISTINCT tblProductType.productTypeID, tblProductType.productTypeDesc


    tblProductType INNER JOIN

    tblProducts ON tblProductType.productTypeID = tblProducts.productTypeID


    (tblProducts.customerID = @customerID)


    (tblProductType.productTypeID IN

    (SELECT tblProducts.productTypeID

    FROM tblProducts

    WHERE itemID IN

    (SELECT itemID

    FROM tblInventory))) AND

    (tblProductType.divisionID IN

    (SELECT divisionID

    FROM tblLogins_Divisions

    WHERE userID IN

    (SELECT userID

    FROM tblLogins

    WHERE loginUsername = @loginUserName)))

  • From the looks of things, all but two of the subqueries in your WHERE clause are used only to determine if a column has a match in another table. This is exactly what joins are meant to do. In fact, one of the subqueries is redundant since there is already a join that establishes that tblProductType.productTypeID must have a match in the tblProducts table.

    Leave the two comparisons to variables in the WHERE clause and you get something like this


    SELECT DISTINCT tblProductType.productTypeID, tblProductType.productTypeDesc


    tblProductType INNER JOIN

    tblProducts ON tblProductType.productTypeID = tblProducts.productTypeID INNER JOIN

    tblInventory ON tblInventory.itemID = tblProducts.itemID INNER JOIN

    tblLogins_Divisions ON tblLogins_Divisions.divisionID = tblProductType.divisionID INNER JOIN

    tblLogins ON tblLogins.userID = tblLoginsDivisions.userID


    (tblProducts.customerID = @customerID) AND

    (tblLogin.UserName = @loginUserName)


    I hope I didn't mistype any of that, but it should be close enough to get you there. The important thing to remember is to let the joins establish the relationships between large tables. This can be especially helpful to performance if your tables are indexed on the columns being used for the joins.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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