Can not do the average line in SSRS2005

  • In RS2005 I add a chart.

    Dataset: After Filter

    Col1 Col2 Col1 Col2

    1 2 1 2

    2 4 3 3

    3 3

    4 1

    I filter the records and now it will return 2 records. In the data area of the chart I add two item Value1 and Value2. Value1 is just one column(Col2) in the dataset. value2 will use the function avg("value1","GroupName"), now the problem is the value2 will be the same as value1. But my thinking is value2 should be a constant, it should be 2.5

    Can anyone help me to solve this problem?

  • The way you describe your problem sure makes it difficult to tackle ...

    Here's what I think you should do:

    Use an average on the Col2 of the dataset, instead of an average on the other value that is in your grid.

    The average that you use, is pointing to the datapoint for the specified group, and therefor will evaluate only the Col2 value for one x-axis point, as opposed to the average of the whole dataset (as i think you want to have).

    Peter Rijs
    BI Consultant, The Netherlands

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