like condition

  • for my code below i want to check weather name is starting from p_abc_ or not??

    where abc = position 3,4 and 5 and they must be alphabets no numbers

    i m not getting this because my like condition is not true..

    can anyione tell me how to wtite like condition for this requirement?


    DECLARE @data XML;

    DECLARE @Name sysname;

    DECLARE @cmd sysname;

    declare @sql varchar(100),@line varchar(100)

    set @Name = 'p_a2e_webster' --p_amd_webster

    --SET @data = EVENTDATA();

    --SET @Name= @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)[1]', 'sysname')

    set @sql= ('select substring('''+@Name+''',3,1)')


    --print @sql

    set @cmd = ('select substring('''+@Name+''',3,1)')

    --exec (@cmd)

    set @line = ('select substring('''+@Name+''',3,1)')

    --exec (@line)

    set @name =



    (@sql like '%[a-zA-Z]%' and @cmd like '%[a-zA-Z]%' and @line like '%[a-zA-Z]%')

    Then 'select ''p_''+substring('''+@Name+''',3,3)+''_%'''


    (@sql not like '%[a-zA-Z]%' and @cmd not like '%[a-zA-Z]%' and @line not like '%[a-zA-Z]%')

    Then 'position 3-5 alpha'

    Else '0'



    print @name

  • code print error in above code...

    set @sql= ('select substring('''+@Name+''',3,1)')


    --print @sql

    set @cmd = ('select substring('''+@Name+''',4,1)')

    --exec (@cmd)

    set @line = ('select substring('''+@Name+''',5,1)')

    --exec (@line)

    So m selecting 3 , 4 and 5 the position here..

  • Hi

    Maybe I did not understand correct, but try this:

    DECLARE @name VARCHAR(100)

    SET @name = 'xxxabcxxx'

    IF (@name LIKE '___abc%')

    PRINT (@name + ' matches - RIGHT')

    SET @name = 'abcab'

    IF (@name LIKE '___abc%')

    PRINT (@name + ' matches - STRANGE!')



  • --ok i have modified it but still its not giving coreect results

    i wan 3, 4 and 5 th position as only alphabets no number or anything else..

    but its not checking properly that means like condition is not peoper here..

    DECLARE @Temp varchar(200);

    DECLARE @Name sysname;

    DECLARE @cmd sysname;

    declare @sql varchar(100),@line varchar(100)

    set @Name = 'p_a3e_webster' --p_amd_webster

    --SET @data = EVENTDATA();

    --SET @Name= @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)[1]', 'sysname')

    set @sql= ('select substring('''+@Name+''',3,1)')


    print @sql

    set @cmd = ('select substring('''+@Name+''',4,1)')

    exec (@cmd)

    print @sql

    set @line = ('select substring('''+@Name+''',5,1)')

    exec (@line)

    print @sql

    IF @sql like '%[a-z]%' and @cmd like '%[a-z]%' and @line like '%[a-z]%'


    set @Temp = 'select ''p_''+substring('''+@Name+''',3,3)+''_%'''

    EXEC (@Temp)

    print @Temp



    IF @sql not like '%[a-z]%' or @cmd not like '%[a-z]%' or @line not like '%[a-z]%'


    Print ('position 3-5 alphabets')


  • Oh sorry. Did not read correct. Try this:

    DECLARE @name VARCHAR(100)

    SET @name = '123abc123'

    IF (@name LIKE '___[a-z][a-z][a-z]%')

    PRINT (@name + ' matches - RIGHT')

    SET @name = '123a2b345'

    IF (@name LIKE '___abc%')

    PRINT (@name + ' matches - STRANGE!')



  • well i think this is not wht i want.. or m not getting u..

    just copy n paste my code on ur ssms query window and execute it.. u willl understand there...

  • I am quiet sure that I understood you. Let me try to explain what I understood:

    You want to check if the third to fifth position within a specified text are alphabets (no numbers, no other characters).

    Some example data and the requested result, supposed by me:

    abcdefghi TRUE

    123abc234 TRUE

    abc2a2abc FALSE

    123ab5def FALSE

    __a_e_fgh FALSE

    ___abcdef TRUE

    So if I'm right try the values in the sample:

    DECLARE @name VARCHAR(100)

    SET @name = 'abcdefghi'

    IF (@name LIKE '___[a-z][a-z][a-z]%')

    PRINT (@name + ' matches')


    PRINT (@name + ' does not match')

  • Here is some test code. Let me know if this helps.

    declare @teststr varchar(20);

    set @teststr = 'p_a3c_master';




    @teststr like '__[A-Za-z][A-Za-z][A-Za-z]%';

    set @teststr = 'p_abc_master';




    @teststr like '__[A-Za-z][A-Za-z][A-Za-z]%';

  • well ya thts fine.. thanks

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