Report with Differents between years

  • Hi All,

    I new in the SQL Server business and I'm working on a report in SSRS. In this report I create a list with the following Layout:

    Planned Sold Conversion

    This Year 100 75 75%

    Last Year 100 80 80%

    Diff 0 5 5

    I have a data set on detail level because I need the detail information in the second part of the report.

    So I created a grouplevel on Year and summarised per Year but how can I make a line with the differance between This and last year.



  • One way to do it in SSRS is to use the ReportItems collection. You can reference the textbox that has each year value like this:

    ReportItems!txtThisYearPlanned.Value = ReportItems!txtLastYearPlanned.Value

    You may need to do an explicit conversion to int, but I'm not sure.

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