• Hi,

    I just setup the merge replication with web synchronization (https, ftp) but when make a subscription from a remote server the status in the replication monitor is "Not synchronizing", but anyway the changes I make in one db are replicated in the other one. Someone could tell me what is "not synchronizing" in my context.


  • No experience with Web Synch...

    but do you maybe have the agent scheduled to run at certain intervals? In that case it will show as synchronising at the scheduled time only.

    What is displayed in the Last Synchronisation tab?

  • Thanks for your answer.

    Actually the agent is always running in the subscribers. The weird thing is that the changes on every DB are merged but the status is always as "Not synchronizing". I'm wondering if its something about the Snapshot, because the snapshot is been taken every 14 days, and in the replication monitor the last synchronization date was when the subscription took the snapshot (through ftp).

  • Where are you looking in Replication Monitor?

    When you look at the details of the merge publication (right click > view details) and then select Action > Merge Agent Job Properties which will open up the Job window > select Steps on the left hand side > select the Run Agent step and edit that. Verify that you have -continuous on the end of that string.

    Can you verify that this is set correctly? Also if you could verify that you are looking at the "Show Merge Subscriptions" in the replication monitor that would be helpful.




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • I only have Merge Replications on my Replication Monitor.

    I selected one of my publications in the Replication Monitor, I selected "Warnings and Alerts" tab. In the "Agent and jobs related.." section I selected "view details", then "Action"->"Job" properties and there I selected "Steps", in the "Run Agent" step I clicked "Edit" button

    and the Command is:

    -Publisher [srv-xxx] -PublisherDB [db-xxx] -Distributor [srv-xxx] -Publication [db-xxx] -ReplicationType 2 -DistributorSecurityMode 1

    No "continuos" at the end. Should I add "-continuos" ?¿


  • Yes, you would need to do that and you would need to change the job schedule to "Start Automatically when SQL Server Agent Starts" in the Schedule Type dropdown at the top of the schedule window.

    Note, I have NOT made the change to continuous doing it after the fact so, I can't guarantee that those are the only things that need to be changed. I have gone the other way, moving from continuous to running at intervals and those were the only two things that I changed so, in theory I am pretty confident that this will take care of it for you.



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Here is another detail.

    I add a subscription in another server in the same network of the publisher, I followed the same steps as the other ones, just that I'm not using Web Synchronization and the status of this new subscription is "Synchronizing". In the connection column the old one's values is "Internet" and for the new one's is "LAN" which makes sense. As I said, I chose "Run continuously" when I make the subscription. It could be due to the Web Synchronization? and what is exactly the meaning of this "Status" column if in both cases (not synchronizing and synchronizing) the changes are being replicated.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Not using the Web Synchronization so, the information that I gave you might not apply. I will try to poke around a bit and let you know what I find.




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • That's ok. I appreciate your help. If you find something please let me know about it. I'll keep checking my subscription to see what happens, at the moment all is working perfectly. But I just want to know about the Status column.

    Thank you.

  • Did you use the a standard merge agent with this configuration? If so, you should be able to configure that at the subscriber to run in continuous mode BUT, I don't know that I would unless you really needed to. Just my thoughts.



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • not synchronizing = agent not running or scheduled to run but not running now.

    That is normal for Merge.

    * Noel

  • Thanks for your reply.

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