Trigger Help needed

  • I m using SQL server 2005, i want to apply a trigger after insert, update that will update a tinyint column "IsUpdated" to 1

    but when it will update that column will that trigger be fired again.I mean my custom application will read

    that column and will pick only updated records then it will mark that column zero again after getting data

    but that trigger will update them again .....

    how can i control that?

    Create TRIGGER [dbo].[IsUpdated]

    ON [dbo].[CorporateOwners]




    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    declare @CorporateOwnerID int

    select @CorporateOwnerID = CorporateOwnerID from inserted

    -- Insert statements for trigger here

    update CorporateOwners

    set IsUpdated = 1

    where CorporateOwners.CorporateOwnerID = @CorporateOwnerID


    And one of my other windows application will use following statment

    update CorporateOwners

    set IsUpdated = 0

    where IsUpdated = 1

    kindly reply me asap, its very urgent.

    Thanx in Advance.

  • There is a "nested triggers" server configuration option that allows/disallows triggers to act recursively.

    If you don't want to change the server option: Change your logic using an if statement so that you update the IsUpdated to 1 column only if the IsUpdated is 0. So you change it only once per row and the trigger is fired only once.

  • Hi there,

    No offense but why not just use a stored procedure?

    I'm not that familiar with triggers because I don't use them. Heard that there were issues in them and I think its particullarly on the control of data... like what happend...

    Just use a stored procedure

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]Quatrei Quorizawa[/font]

    "Press any key...
    Where the heck is the any key?
    hmmm... Let's see... there's ESC, CTRL, Page Up...
    but no any key"
    - Homer Simpson
  • select * from sys.configurations where configuration_id = 116


    its maximum col should be 1 to AVOID recursion

    ----i guess it will help you 🙂

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

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