September 16, 2008 at 10:30 am
Hi All,
I need a help from you.
I wants to store a value in a variable return from sp_executesql statements.
let's say...
declare @SpCode INT
Exec @SpCode = sp_executesql N'Select Top 1 SPCode from Temp';
Select @SpCode
I am unable 2 see the result for this..
but when i am storing in a table, its working fine...but i need to store one single value. i don't need to store this value in a temp table. its taking too much time for me...
Can you suggest the correct way to handle this??
Thanks in advance..
September 16, 2008 at 11:09 am
what you want to do is look at the books online examples for sp_executesql; look specifically at the OUTPUT parameters.
here's an example directly modified from BOL: I'm selecting an arbitrary id from sysobjects; you could remove the part that I use for a WHERE statement and paste in your sql, or make it so the where statement is WHERE 1 = 1 or WHERE 1197 = 1197 or something similar for testing.
DECLARE @IntVariable int;
DECLARE @SQLString nvarchar(500);
DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(500);
DECLARE @SpCode int;
SET @IntVariable = 1197; --arbitrary so i don't return a small number
SET @SQLString = N'Select Top 1 @innerSPCode=id from sysobjects WHERE id > @level';
SET @ParmDefinition = N'@level int, @innerSPCode int OUTPUT';
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @level = @IntVariable,@innerSPCode=@SpCode OUTPUT;
Milu (9/16/2008)
Hi All,I need a help from you.
I wants to store a value in a variable return from sp_executesql statements.
let's say...
declare @SpCode INT
Exec @SpCode = sp_executesql N'Select Top 1 SPCode from Temp';
Select @SpCode
I am unable 2 see the result for this..
but when i am storing in a table, its working fine...but i need to store one single value. i don't need to store this value in a temp table. its taking too much time for me...
Can you suggest the correct way to handle this??
Thanks in advance..
September 17, 2008 at 10:42 am
I will go through this..
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