Blog Post

PASS Update #5 (Blogger's Please Read)


We'll be announcing this on the main site and the PASS blog over the next day or two, but the first major revision of the blog directory has been posted. We had many people email us their blog info, some sent OPML containing their feeds, and then we spent more time just doing searches and seeing what we could find. The result was a list of close to 190 blogs that seem to be SQL centric, and most have posts within the past 6 months (our window for listing). For lack of a better plan we've just listed them alphabetically by the name of the blogger. We're missing a couple of links that we'll get patched up in the next day or so.  We've also included a complete OPML file of the same listing so that you can load into the reader of your choice.

I've been monitoring the complete list over the past few days and I was definitely missing a few interesting bloggers - this is probably twice again the size of my personal feed list prior to the update. We're hoping that PASS members will enjoy the chance to discover blogs that they might not otherwise find.

If you're a blogger (or just happen to read one not on the list) and not on the list, please just drop me a note andy.warren at, and we'll get it updated. Note that it's just a directory, no syndication.

This is my team's first deliverable for PASS and while it's not a huge thing, it's a service that makes sense for PASS to provide and one that we hope the entire SQL community will find useful. Let me know what you think.


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