Simple select query not working...Goes hang

  • Dear All,

    One of my tale gives problem in live server. It hangs when I fire a simple select query. There are only 6600 in the table. it gets almost 4500 records and goes hang. I downloaded the backup file, restored in local server and found that same query is working fine.

    I tried to rebuild the index in live server. But even that's not happening. It gets timed out.

    What could be the problem..? Can anyone help pleasee...It's very urgent. I have many other databases in live server, so can't do much experiment too...

    Thanks in advance...

    Santhosh Nair.

  • Hello,

    Does another process hold a lock on the table?

    Do any Blocks appear in the results of sp_who2?

    Otherwise it sounds like a corruption issue. Can you restore from a backup in Live?


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • Thansl for prompt reply..will revert back to u after checking these..

  • Can you tell me what's SP_WHO2..?

    And how to check if another process hold a lock on the table?



  • Hello,

    Sp_who2 is similar to the system SP sp_who, but it doesn't appear in BOL.

    If you execute sp_who2 in a query window it gives you a report of current activity on the server.

    Look in the "BlkBy" column for any non empty values. If there are any non-empty values it tells you which process is blocking another (based on the SPID)


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • Hello Again,

    Sorry, I missed the second part of your question.

    In SSMS you can view Locks via the Object Explorer. Right click the Activity Monitor under the Management Node and then chose "View Locks by Object".


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • Thanks a lot dear Marsh...I restored the backup in live server into nwe database nad pointed the site to that..It's workign fine now...

  • Hello,

    Thanks for the update. It is always good to hear that an issue has been resolved.


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

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