Linked server problem


    Hello All,

      My application is dependent on two databases one is on sql 2005 machine and other is on sql 2000 machine. A linked server is establish between these two using sql account which has appropriate rights on both server's databases.

    application works fine but after some time it crashes and if i see error from sql profiler i get the error

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "sql2000machine" returned message "Login timeout expired".

    Few days back applciation was working absolutly fine, but i was trying to make linked sever through windows account, i dnt know wat has i changed during achiveing that setup that now application (linked server) is not working even with sql account.

    please help its urgent.

  • Not sure if this applies to your case but it's worth checking:


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • thnx

    but this doesnt help me...any other idea

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