xp_cmdshell in express 2008 stripping "s?

  • Anyone have any idea's on this? This code works fine in sql 2005 (on a different but similar server), but in SQL 2008 express, it loops endlessly because it get's file not found when it tries to dir a directory with spaces in it (note: this is just the first part of the script):

    declare @cmd varchar(8000),

    @CurrentDir varchar(8000),

    @CurrentRootDir varchar(8000),

    @RootPath varchar(8000),

    @Title varchar(8000),

    @Keywords varchar(8000),

    @Created datetime,

    @DamID int,

    @FullFile varchar(8000),

    @FileNm varchar(8000),

    @FileName varchar(8000),

    @FileExt varchar(8000),

    @SaveToPath varchar(8000),

    @AssetPath varchar(8000),

    @UseFile bit,

    @Cat int


    Select @RootPath = 'c:\temp\logo1\', @Created=GETDATE()

    Create table #tmp (dir varchar(8000))

    select @cmd = 'dir /b '+@RootPath

    insert into #tmp exec xp_cmdshell @cmd

    Declare @dir table (dirs varchar(8000), b bit)

    Declare @file table (filep varchar(8000),filen varchar(8000), b bit)

    Declare @UsedFiles table(filenm varchar(8000))

    Insert into @dir (dirs,b)

    select rtrim(ltrim(dir)),0 from #tmp where dir is not null

    delete #tmp

    While exists(Select * from @dir where b = 0)


    Select @CurrentDir=dirs from @dir where b=0

    update @dir set b = 1 where dirs=@CurrentDir

    Select @cmd = 'dir /b "'+@RootPath+@CurrentDir+'"'

    Insert into #tmp exec xp_cmdshell @cmd

    Insert into @dir(dirs,b) Select @CurrentDir+'\'+dir,0 from #tmp where dir not like '%.jpg%' and dir not like '%.eps' and dir not like '%.ai' and dir not like '%.pdf' and dir not like '%.gif' and dir not like '%.png' and dir not like '%.tif' and dir not like '%.tiff' and dir is not null

    Insert into @file (filep,filen,b) Select @CurrentDir+'\'+dir,dir,0 from #tmp where dir like '%.jpg%' or dir like '%.eps' or dir like '%.ai' or dir like '%.pdf' or dir like '%.gif' or dir like '%.png' or dir like '%.tif' or dir like '%.tiff'

    Delete #tmp


  • Not sure if this will help but have you tried to wrap the directory in Char(39) or Char(34). You can also test out your command to make sure it works using SQLCMD

  • Never mind, I missed a \ in my script on the second server - it's always the little details that trip us up

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