Search All SQL Script Objects in All Databases for Text

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Search All SQL Script Objects in All Databases for Text

  • There is one problem with your script: it will not find all instances of the text in SPs, Views or functions that are larger then 4000 characters and the searchabe text is close to the 4000 character position. Because SQL Server will split the code between multiple syscomments records you may end up with 'Joshua' in one syscomments record and 'A Walker' in another.

    In order to prevent this you could use something similar


    FROM syscomments SC

    INNER JOIN sysobjects SO ON =

    WHERE SC.text LIKE '%' + @FieldName + '%'



    FROM syscomments AS L1

    INNER JOIN sysobjects SO ON =

    INNER JOIN syscomments AS L2 ON =

    AND L1.colid = L2.colid - 1

    WHERE RIGHT(L1.text, 50) + LEFT(L2.text, 50) LIKE '%' + @FieldName + '%'

    This is what I use when looking for a text in the SQL code. It only works for one database but so far I did not have a need to search all databases on a server.

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • Don't forget to clean up and drop the #Results table if running as a script not a procedure.

  • This script crash when a database is offline:

    A simple where condition should is missing:

    SELECT [NAME] FROM Master.dbo.sysdatabases


    AND Status & 512 = 0


  • Excellent suggestions all... and all situations I never ran into 😉 ... Except maybe the length issue and I wasn't aware I was running into that issue... 😛

  • jwalker8680 (4/23/2009)

    Except maybe the length issue and I wasn't aware I was running into that issue... 😛

    Lucky you. I found out the hard way. 😀

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • Any suggestions on how to ignore results where the searched for text only occurs as part of a comment?

    Remember this when a developer tells you it will just be temporary. Temporary = Permanent.

  • Hi,

    There is an article posted on my Blog site where you can search for specific text in all sql server objects easily and the query is also very simple.

    Search Text in all SQL Server Object


  • Red Gate SQL search will do this and much more as well as being totally free.

  • Josha, what is the main difference from this version and the version your wrote in July 2007 and updated in May 2009 that also performs a string search?

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