Blocking issue from ODBC connection

  • Hello all,

    Wondering if any of you have seen an issue like this.

    An application makes use of an ODBC connection (Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver Version 03.85.1117)

    INSERTS, UPDATES, and DELETES are being blocked by the query: select substring('NY',status/1024&1+1,1) from master..sysdatabases where name=DB_NAME() Which is checking the read-only status of the database. It returns 'N' almost immediately from server-side as well as a Management Studio query on the same client computer.

    Activity monitor shows that it is blocking and that it's WAIT TYPE is ASYNCH_NETWORK_IO. Certainly no large resultsets being passed in this query. I suspect the query is fired from ODBC and not the application itself. For some reason ODBC appears not to be handling the result or something like that?

    SELECT statements following this query are not blocked, but UPDATES, INSERTS, and DELETES are.

    Very puzzled here.. any ideas?

    Thank you in advance,


    Todd Carrier
    MCITP - Database Administrator (SQL 2008)
    MCSE: Data Platform (SQL 2012)

  • I know this is an old thread, but I am having a similar issue. Did you ever make progress on the issue?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Ah, shoot... I wish I could remember what ever was the resolution to this.

    It's been a while back, and I'm with a different company now... unfortunately not ringing any bells.

    If I had to guess, I think the application in question was from a 3rd party vendor, and I approached them for a solution. Could have been an issue with open transactions as well... perhaps failure to commit or rollback the stuff done previously in the code.

    Sorry, wish I had more, can't really help out.

    Todd Carrier
    MCITP - Database Administrator (SQL 2008)
    MCSE: Data Platform (SQL 2012)

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