Security system table of Reporting Services

  • Hi,

    Is there a way I can generate list of reports to which a user has access to using T-SQL running against ReportServer Database?


  • Use this SQL on the server your SSRS is running on:

    USE ReportServer


    -- List users\accounts associated with SSRS reports

    SELECTCASE IsNull(c.Path,'') WHEN '' THEN 'Home' ELSE c.Path END 'Path',



    FROMdbo.Catalog c

    INNER JOIN dbo.PolicyUserRole p ON p.PolicyID = c.PolicyID

    INNER JOIN dbo.Roles r ON r.RoleID = p.RoleID

    INNER JOIN dbo.Users u ON u.UserID = p.UserID

    WHEREc.Type = 2 -- 1,5=folder, 2=report, 3=data source

    ORDER BY 1, 2, 3

    This lists the security that is contained within the SSRS environment specifically, but the 'UserName' can actually be a group account so you will need to query further into the Active Directory world (which can be done from within T-SQL but I don't have examples) if you need to see what specific accounts are part of the account groups shown. This works in SQK2000 but I believe it should work in SQL2005 also.



  • Thanks a lot. That helped me out. 😎

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